On day 2 of our Honeymoon, we woke up around 7:00 am and started getting ourselves ready for the day. We made breakfast, made sure we had everything we needed i.e. tickets, cameras, sunscreen, etc, and then we were out the door by 8:15 am. We didn't know how long it would take us to get where we were going, so we wanted to give ourselves plenty of time. So where was our first stop you ask?
Disney World's Animal Kingdom!!!!!!!!
I know it isn't the best park that they have, or the funnest one, but since our first day at Disney World was a Saturday, we figured that it would be the least busy. And we were absolutely right on that! We didn't have to wait in line for hardly anything!
Once we got into the park, our first stop was in Africa. If you haven't been to Animal Kingdom, the park is divided up into different areas, some are countries and others are places like Dinoland U.S.A. There was really only one ride/attraction that we wanted to go on in the Africa part of the park, and that was the Kilimanjaro Safaris Expedition. Prior to going, we were told that we should do that attraction first because the animals are usually awake and out in the morning, so we headed over and waited in line for maybe 15 minutes.
I think my favorite part of the safari was the giraffes. Not sure why, just really liked them. It was a fun little ride. I wish it would have been longer, but we liked it and we got to see some cool animals up close.
After Africa and the safari, we headed over to Asia. Again, there was really only one thing that we wanted to do in the Asia part of the park. Our first real ride, Everest Expedition! Again, our wait time was minimal and this ride was awesome!!! If you like roller coasters, this is definitely a ride for you! We also walked around a little bit just to look at everything like the Tree of Life and the Jungle Trek that they have in the park.
Once we were done in Asia, we headed over to Dinoland U.S.A. This area of the park was more for little kids. They had a carnival like area set up with games and rides that were all dinosaur related. We did get to meet Pluto and Goofey there though! They were my first ever character meeting and I was really excited! We also rode one of the rides that was geared more towards an older crowd. It was called Dinosaur. It was pretty good. Kind of slow moving, but it was a nice break from being on our feet all day.

After the Dinosaur ride, we headed on over to the theater were the live Finding Nemo show was going on. I was really excited about this. I love musicals, so to see Finding Nemo in a musical was awesome!! It was a great show, the only down side was that we weren't allowed to use flash photography so I had to settle for the pictures that I could get on my phone. Most of them didn't turn out, but a few did! And I am pretty sure that we were some of the only adults in there that didn't have kids with them, haha!
After the Finding Nemo show, we headed back towards the entrance of the park. We were kind of wiped out by this point, but we were very hungry, so we decided to eat at Rainforest Cafe. I had never been there before, the Hubby had, but it had been a while. We had to wait a while to get a table, but it was worth it. The atmosphere was awesome, the food was great and there were thunderstorms every 30 minutes. It was definitely a good choice for our first real meal at Disney World.
After our very late lunch, we decided that we were done for the day. We had thought about going over to Epcot, but decided against it. We were dead tired and our feet were already hurting from all of the walking that we had been doing, so we decided to head back to our villa and call it a day. When we got back to the villa, I passed out for about three hours. After I woke up, we walked down to the little restaurant area that our resort had and ordered some food and then went back to the room.
It was a pretty uneventful night, but it was nice to be able to relax for a little bit. We knew that our next three days were going to be a lot more busy, so I am glad that we took some time to relax, even if it was only for a few hours.