Second post of the day for me, but I wanted to share something with you guys that is weighing very heavy on my heart and has been for a long time.
A few months ago, me and a couple of my best friends got back into contact with one of our friends from College. We hadn't talked to her in a while and when we did come back into contact, we found out that her and her Husband were expecting their first child. We were all very excited for her and her Husband.
At their 20 week ultrasound they found out they were having a little girl. Unfortunately at the same time, they were told that it appeared that something was wrong with her heart. To make a very long story very short, their baby girl was diagnosed with Hypo Plastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). This essentially means that the left side of her heart wasn't working. The doctors also suggested that they get an amniocentesis done to check to make sure that she didn't have any type of genetic defects. After the results came back, they found that she was missing a big part of her 3rd chromosome. This is super rare and there isn't a lot of knowledge out there about it. But from what the doctors did know of it, their baby girl would have mental disabilities and possibly some physical abnormalities that could require surgeries.
The doctors said that she could undergo heart surgeries, but that she may not make it out alive and if she did, she would still only have half of her heart working and may need a transplant later on in life. But because of the genetic defects, she would never be able to get a transplant.
So my friend and her Husband decided to not put their little girl through the surgeries. They didn't want her quality of life to be horrible due to all of these surgeries. The doctors told them that because of all of her medical issues and not having the surgeries, that their little girl would probably pass away within a few hours of being born.
Well this past Friday morning, they brought their beautiful little girl, who they named Noel, into this world. And eight hours into her life, she was still fighting strong. Her heart was beating on it's own and she was breathing on her own. So they decided to admit her to the NICU. The next day her vitals were in the normal range and she was more active and moving and her eyes were open. At this point, she had far surpassed any expectations the doctors had for her.
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On Sunday they had an echo cardiogram done and found that the reason her heart is still going strong is due to a hole that is allowing blood to go to both sides. Unfortunately they said that with time the hole will close on it's own, which will lead to this precious little girl passing away.
This little girl is an absolute miracle and her first few days of life have been miracles too. And it is so crazy to think that something that is usually a problem, the small whole in her heart, is actually what is keeping her alive.
Her parents faith through all of this has been absolutely amazing and inspiring. Their faith in God is unfailing. And I admire that so much. I can't even imagine being in this type of situation and what they must be going through, but their faith has helped them through.
My heart is absolutely breaking. So many tears have been shed. I would have never thought that years ago, when we were in College, that any of us would ever be in this type of situation. I have been praying every chance I get for this beautiful little girl and her family. And so have so many others. She has far surpassed what doctors said she would and I can't help but feel that it is because of all the prayers being said for her and her family. Prayer is a miraculous thing and she is a living testament to that.
And now I am asking for your thoughts and prayers for this beautiful little girl and her family. And please share this story with others. The more people that this little girls miraculous story reaches, the better. So again, please send all of your thoughts and prayers this families way. They are definitely in need and absolutely appreciated. Thank you everyone in advance.