Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baby Shower Decor Recap

Sunday February 16th, I threw a baby shower for my SIL and my Brother. Although they already have three kids, and a fourth on the way, all three of their first kids are girls. And baby number four is finally a BOY!!! So needless to say, they have no boy stuff whatsoever, so I felt that a baby shower was in order. 

You guys might remember that a few weeks back I showed you the invitations that I had made from Merriment Press. Well here they are again. But this was the jumping off point from which I tried to center my entire color scheme/decor around. 

Believe it or not, finding actual camo themed stuff was really tough! Even with the Duck Dynasty craze that is going on right now. This made my decor choices a little bit harder, but in the end I ended up just going with a color scheme more than anything. I tried to stick to brown and orange and added the camo/hunting theme wherever I could. I also tried to make it a bit more cutesy since it was in fact a baby shower.

I inevitably bought way too much stuff and ended up taking a lot of it back, but the things that I did end up using worked out so well and just all came together perfectly. 

For the favors I picked up some mason jars and some chalkboard labels and made every guest a drinking cup for the party. And for the kids, I picked up these cute water bottles and did the same thing. I also bought orange and green paper straws and had them available to everyone that wanted one. Each jar also had a tag tied around the top of the jar that said "You are deer to our hearts! Thank you for coming!" I unfortunately forgot to get a picture of these. 

We set all of the mason jars and water bottles up on a chalkboard table in the kitchen along with some tasty drinks. I also spruced the table up a bit with orange, green and brown balloons!

The dining room was probably by far my favorite area that we decorated. It all came together so great. I had Stephanie at Merriment press make this adorable banner for me that read" Daddy's Hunting Buddy" and we hung that on the window above the gift table. We also decorated the table with balloons and a diaper cake and we added some streamers to the ceiling for a little bit more color. And I also had one more banner in the living room that read "Hunter" which is my soon to be Nephews name. 

Something cool that I found were these small pieces of branch that were all cut up into small pieces. I found these at Michael's and just wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with them. I ended up filling four different mason jars with these pieces and used these to tie all of the balloons too. They worked perfectly for this and added an extra little touch of the hunting/woods/camo theme. 

And of course when I started planning this whole shower I scoured Pinterest for hours and days trying to find some cute ideas. One of the ideas that I came across was taking a bow and hanging letters below it to spell out a name. It acts as a cute piece of decor but then can be used in the baby's nursery too. So after searching high and low for a bow that would work, my Mom found one and sent it to me. It was white, so I took some Real Tree Duct Tape that I bought from Michael's and covered it so that it was camo. Then I attached the letters of Hunters name to the string with some ribbon. It turned out so cute and I can't wait to see it in his nursery!

More decor pictures and the bow with Hunter's name
We decided that cupcakes were the way to go for the shower. I had planned on making them, but ended up not having the time to do this. I ordered these cupcakes from Sam's Club. They were delicious and they looked so cute. And Stephanie from Merriment Press designed these cupcake toppers. They turned out amazing and looked so great on the cupcakes!

I knew from the beginning that I was going to make a diaper cake. I love how they look and it is a great way to add a little bit of extra decor. And actually, I ended up making two. I had so many diapers left over after making the first cake that I decided to try my hand at an ATV diaper cake. I have seen these things all over the internet and just recently saw that one that K's friends made her and I knew that I had to try my hand at it. I found this video on YouTube and watched it once and then went to town. It was actually pretty easy and very inexpensive to make. The most expensive part was the stuffed animal that I chose. I chose a Scentsy Buddy, so it was a little bit pricier. 

For my regular diaper cake I found all of these cute woodland creature stuffed animals and decorated the cake with them and ribbon. It turned out really cute. 

The baby shower itself was a hit. We didn't do any games because it was a co-ed shower and I was told to not make it too kitchy, haha! So everyone pretty much just came, ate some food and visited with each other for a bit. All the guys were out in the garage talking cars and other manly stuff. All of the kids were outside on the trampoline or running around in the back yard and all of the women were inside just talking and having a good time. 

Most people came for a bit, hung out and then headed out, so by the time that we got around to opening gifts, there weren't very many people there. But this actually ended up working out really well because it wasn't too overcrowded and my SIL got to take her time and just enjoy opening gifts. They got some great stuff too!

Overall the shower went over really well. It was fun spending time with all of our family and friends to celebrate the upcoming arrival of my new Nephew. And I had a blast planning and decorating for the shower. I seriously think sometimes that I have missed my real calling in life, being a party planner. Oh well, maybe in another lifetime! 

Thanks for stopping by everyone!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday

It's time for Weigh-In Wednesday!

Short post again today. But I wanted to at least update you guys on how everything is going. 

I finally feel like I have gotten back on track with my eating. I did awesome last week with eating healthy and clean and it just felt great. So far so good this week too. It is amazing how great you feel just eating healthy. I can definitely tell a difference when I am putting junk into my body and when I am eating clean. I always feel a millions times better when I am eating clean. 

I missed one day at the gym last week. So in total I went five days instead of six like I have been doing. I felt awful about not being able to go, but I didn't get off work until 6:30 and I was absolutely fried after the day that I had. I just couldn't even fathom going to the gym. I went home, had dinner and went to bed. But I am back on track for six days this week as long as I don't have to stay late at work. Our auditors are here these next two weeks, so who knows what my schedule will look like. But, I am going to try my hardest to get all six days in. 

Okay, something kind of cool for you guys. I have been wanting to do progress pictures. However, I just haven't been able to find the time to do it. And I mean real progress pictures, the ones I hate posting because I am in shorts and a sports bra, but they need to be done to see the real progress that I have made. But I do have something kind of cool to share with you. The picture below on the left is of me last June before I went to a Zumba party. The picture on the right is of me in that same outfit last week. And HOLY CRAP! I couldn't believe the difference!

Kinda cool, huh?! Okay, now onto the good news. My weight as of this morning is 186.2, I am down another 2 lbs from last weeks WIW post and that officially puts me down 36 lbs since November of last year. I can't believe all the progress that I am making. I can't wait to see how much further I can go. I am over some of the hardest hurdles already, and I still have some hard work ahead of me, but it isn't anything that I can't tackle!

Thanks for stopping by today guys! Hope you are having a fabulous week! 


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Well Damn!

I had every intention of posting a baby shower recap for you guys today, but unfortunately I am having issues getting the photos off of my phone. I blame Facebook for this one. I was trying to upload them all at once to an album so that I didn't have to go through and individually select and send each photo to my email, but my Facebook app kept crashing. Stupid technology!

I am hoping to have that post for you guys on Thursday now. Hopefully that will give me enough time to get all of the pictures off of my phone and get them organized.

In the meantime, I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing today, so I thought I would leave you with this video. I am absolutely in love with Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon. Every time these two get together it is just pure genius and hilarity. I firmly believe they should have a show together. It would be the best thing to ever happen to television. Here is to hoping that happens! Have a great day everyone!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekend Recap

So this happened this weekend...

Yep! We FINALLY got a new car!!!! It's a 2015 Kia Sorento and I am absolutely in love with it!

This was really the biggest part of our weekend and the most exciting, so I will just leave you with this for today. Hope you all had a great weekend!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Buying a Car

I feel like this has been a LONG time coming, but the Husband and I are finally going to go look at a new car today! Thank the freaking lord. 

I don't even know if I shared this with you guys, but my car finally bit the bullet back in September. And we have been sharing one vehicle since then. We have been trying to come up with a good size down payment so that our payments wouldn't be ridiculous. But after sharing a car for five months,  it made absolutely no sense to wait another few months to save a few thousand dollars more for it to only affect our payments by $40.

Don't get me wrong, sharing a car really hasn't been that bad. At first it wasn't a huge deal. It was actually working out quite nicely. We were saving some extra money by not paying insurance on my old car and we weren't spending as much in gas. But then all of a sudden it wasn't working anymore. 

We are both tired of waiting around on each other to go places. Or not being able to go somewhere because someone else has the vehicle. We just can't take it anymore. And I am tired of being late to work every damn day because he can't get his butt out of bed on time. We are driving each other nuts.

But if all goes well today, we won't have to deal with that anymore. Yay! I can't wait! I just hope that we can find what we are looking for at a price that we are comfortable with and that they have it in a color that I like.  I refuse to buy another red vehicle. I have my reasons. And we have already got our financing in place. I took care of that this week already. I am a planner after all.

This is what I want. This color would be fine too!
So fingers crossed everyone that on Monday my weekend recap will include a picture of my new car! Eeek! I can't wait! Have a great weekend everyone! Hope the weather is nice wherever you are reading from!


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Holy Snow, Batman!

Okay, so I realize that we are not getting anywhere near the amount of snow that some of you are. But, when you come home at around 8:30 pm and there is no snow and then look out at 10 pm and there is already almost two inches, that my friends calls for a "Holy Snow, Batman!"

There was no snow anywhere when I got home yesterday
Granted this happens quite often here in CO. It snows like crazy for a few hours and makes the roads an absolute mess. People then proceed to freak the eff out because we have a few inches of snow on the ground and heaven forbid you have to drive in it. This in turn makes my morning commute one hell of a headache. 

It will be okay people. I promise. Just slow your ass down and don't be an asshole and ride the person's ass in front of you. And yes the roads may look just "a little wet" or they have "just a little bit of snow on them", but in fact they are probably very slick and icy due to the ridiculous wind we have right now. Once again, don't be that asshole that goes flying around everyone and then proceeds to cause a 10 car pile up. It's not cool and it ruins everyone's day.

Okay, that is my PSA for the day. Hope you guys are having a great Thursday! 


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday

This week feels like it is flying by. Probably because I didn't have to work on Monday. But nonetheless, it is time for Weigh-In Wednesday!

It has been two weeks since I did a WIW post, so I have a few things to report. First, I had a session with my personal trainer on Monday. Every month we take measurements and he does my body fat percentage. Well this past Monday my body fat percentage is finally in the healthy range! Whoop whoop!!! I was pretty stoked about this. I don't even know the last time that I was ever in the healthy range. Probably High School. 

All of my measurements also went down by almost two inches. My trainer was kind of in shock. He couldn't believe how much more weight and inches I had dropped since we did my measurements last. I kind of couldn't believe it either. I mean I know how hard I have been working and I know that I am losing weight, but when you see those measurements in writing and see how much you have actually lost, it kind of blows your mind. But in a totally rad and awesome way! 

Okay, down to the good stuff. My weight as of this morning is 188.2! I am down 4.4 lbs since my last WIW post two weeks ago. 

I have set a new milestone goal for myself. When I hit 50 lbs lost (16 lbs to go) I get to get a new tattoo. I have been wanting a new one for a long time, but this gives me the motivation to actually get it, so I am going to make it happen!

I am keeping my goals the same. Exercise six days, watch my food and calories and drink lots of water. Ya know, the stuff I have already been trying to accomplish.

Well, that is all I have for today. Sorry for such a short post. I have to get back to work though. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great Hump Day everyone!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Week Off & My Weekend Recap

Woah! It has been over a week since I posted last. I needed a little bit of a blogging break. Not that I blog every day, but I just had so much going on that I didn't have time to even think about blogging. So instead of trying to throw a few posts together and half assing it, I decided to just not even think about it for the week. But that nice little break was exactly what I needed to get myself back into the blogging mindset. So thanks for sticking around, if there is in fact anyone out there that still reads this. 

Okay, onto my weekend recap. This weekend was crazy!! Friday was Valentine's Day, but we didn't celebrate it. After discussing it with the Hubs, we decided that we just didn't even care. Here's the thing, I have always hated Valentines Day. Whether I was single or with someone, this particular day has always just been a huge disappointment. And I inevitably always have a really shitty day. It never fails. Not to mention that trying to go out to do anything on this day turns into an Olympic event. Everywhere is so crowded and you have to wait forever and then you add in how expensive everything is. I just can't handle it. So we decided to skip it this year. We grabbed some soup and sandwiches from our favorite place (to-go) and went home and watched the final two episodes of the first season of Game of Thrones and I worked on stuff for my SIL's baby shower. 

Saturday morning I got up earlier than I would have liked to, but I had shiz to do. I got myself ready for the day and then had some breakfast. My first stop that morning was Target for a few additional things that I needed for the baby shower. After that I headed to the gym to go to Zumba. After Zumba, I headed to Sam's Club to go pick up all of the food and the cupcakes for the baby shower. My next stop was to drop everything off at my SIL's house and help her around the house for a bit. My oldest Niece and I also did a little bit of running around and then went and got lunch. Afterwards we headed back and we got a few things cleaned up and and some of the stuff put together. 

Riding a horse while running our errands 
I left there about 4:30ish and had a few more places to stop before I headed home. I was absolutely exhausted by this point, but I still had so much work to do for the shower that I had to push through and just get it done. We grabbed dinner at some point and some frozen yogurt to go along with it and then I got back to work on the shower stuff. I didn't go to bed until about 1:00 am. I don't even think my head hit the pillow before I was out. 

Sunday once again I was up way early. I had to run to the store to get some more damn ribbon to finish my last project for the shower. It never failed, I ran out of ribbon every time I tried to finish a project. What a pain in the ass. After I ran to the store and finished the last project, I got myself ready, loaded up the car and headed out for the day. My first stop was at Party City to pick up the balloons for the shower. I ordered these balloons on Friday and I ordered orange and brown balloons. I get there to pick them up and I look at my order and the first words out of my mouth are, "Why are there red balloons in my order?" The girl looks at them and says, "Those aren't red, those are brown."! I know what color red is and I know what color brown is and I am sure as shit that those balloons were red. 

Definitely not brown!
Even after questioning the color a few more times, the girl was being a complete ass and trying to tell me that nothing was wrong. I didn't have time to stand there and argue, so I took them and left. I was absolutely fuming. Fortunately I was able to stop at Albertsons and pick up some green balloons to go in the non brown balloons place and it didn't take but a few minutes. 

I got to my Brother and my SIL's and we went to work on getting everything set up and all of the food prepared. Around 2 pm everyone started showing up and the shower began. I will do a whole other post on the shower and all of the fun details later this week. 

After the shower I headed home and at this point I was done. I just sat on the couch and kind of stared off into space. I was so out of it because of how tired I was. I was ready for bed. I went to bed at about 9:30. That is how tired I was. 

Thankfully I didn't have to work on Monday. Thank you Presidents Day! I didn't get to sleep in unfortunately because I had to drop the Husband off at work, but I did get quite a bit of sleep. Most of my day on Monday was spent running around and returning things that I bought for the shower but ended up not using. AND I went and complained to the Manager at Party City and showed him a picture of the balloons and he flat out told me that they were burgundy and not brown and happily refunded me my money. That's right stupid girl from the day before!

The rest of my day was spent doing laundry, grocery shopping, and doing a little bit of work from home. I also went to the gym and had a session with my personal trainer. I will talk more about that on my Weigh-In Wednesday post tomorrow. 

Overall it was a crazy weekend, but it turned out to be a great weekend! Sorry for such a long post. Told ya I was ready to get back into the swing of things, haha! Hope you guys had a great weekend!


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday

It's that time again. Time for Weigh-In Wednesday.

Let's start this post out with a little bit of honesty. I feel like I have just been going through the motions lately. At least when it comes to my eating. I have been cheating here and there and it definitely shows on the scale. I definitely haven't been doing the best that I can. But I am not going to beat myself up about it. I just need to try and do better over the next week. That is all that I can ask for.

I also had a session with my trainer on Monday which was freaking awesome. He showed me a ton of new upper body stuff that I am excited to work into my workouts. My arms and my chest are however still sore. Even turning the steering wheel in the car was painful the last two mornings. But that does mean that it is working. And I am still keeping up with going to the gym six days a week. I think I am finally in a great routine. I just need to keep spicing that routine up(if that makes sense) so that I don't get bored and fall off the band wagon.

Okay, down to the good stuff. I promised you guys measurement this week, so  here they are.

I am only down 1.6 lbs from last week, but a loss is still a loss! And I can't get over my measurements just within the last month!!! Especially the hip measurement. I re-measured myself a few times this morning to make sure that I was seeing things correctly! Even though I have been struggling the last few weeks with my eating, I have to be proud of what I have accomplished. I think seeing these measurements this morning was just the push I needed for the next week!

Goals for the week: Drink more water! I say this every time, but I need to keep up with this. And just doing better on the whole eating thing. I know I can do this. Look how far I have already come. I can't stop now. 

Thanks for stopping in today. Hope you are having a great week! Hopefully it is warmer where you guys are, because it is freezing here!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Baby Shower for my Nephew

I told you guys a few months back that my Brother and SIL are FINALLY having a little boy! And I couldn't be more excited about it! So of course I was excited when I got the go ahead from my SIL to throw her a shower. 

After a few discussions, my SIL gave me a few theme ideas and of course my first stop was Pinterest to see what I could find for these particular themes. A few that she threw out were sports, cars, and camo. After searching through Pinterest for a few hours, I finally decided that I liked more of what I found for a camo themed baby shower. 

I know, I know. It is definitely different, but if you knew my Brother and my SIL, you would know that this really does fit them perfectly.

After I picked a theme I set out to find the perfect invite. I stumbled upon a really cute design from Merriment Press and after showing it to my Brother and SIL and getting their approval, I ordered them.

Stephanie at Merriment Press was amazing to work with. Not only was she quick on getting back to me and getting me the proofs, but if I needed anything changed, she did it quickly and had it back to me within a few hours. And not to mention her prices were really reasonable!!

Here is what the invitation looks like...

After I received the final proof, I took these to Staples and had them printed and cut. Which saved me a ton of time. And then I went and picked out a background paper (the orange border) and then assembled them and got them sent out. I love them. They are definitely camo, but they still have some cute touches to them that don't make them super over the top. Sorry for the crazy star shapes. I didn't really want to show all my personal info for the world to see, haha!

I also worked with Stephanie on a few other items for the shower. I will show you most of those after the shower is over, but one of the things she did for me was a registry card to put in the invites. We didn't want to overload the invites with too much info, so we thought this was the best way to go. She did a great job on them.

Sorry for the blurry pic. 
I was very impressed with how they turned out. And I have already heard from a few of the recipients and they are loving them too. And most of all my Brother liked them. Whoa! That is a big deal, haha!

I can't wait to show you guys the rest of the stuff that I am working on for the shower. But I only have two weeks to get everything done. Hopefully I can get everything done that I want too. Eeek!

Have a great day everyone!


Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Recap

I can't even really remember what happened this weekend. I think that has to do with how embarrassed/upset/pissed off/frustrated I am with how horrible the Broncos played yesterday. Ugh! I can't even talk about it without getting pissed. I know it is just a football game, but when it is your team and they finally get to the Super Bowl after 15 years and then don't even show up to effin play?! Ugh!!! I can't even fully describe how it feels! 

With that being said, I am still a Broncos fan and always will be. I love my team and will always bleed orange and blue. I am still so proud of the season that they had. I guess making it to the Super Bowl and choking is better than not making it to the Super Bowl at all, right?! And...there is always next year! Trying to stay positive here.

ALWAYS a Broncos Girl! Even after losing the flippin Super Bowl
Okay, on to something not so depressing. I actually managed to get a lot done this weekend, even with the weather being crappy. All week they kept telling us we were going to get snow, but they kept saying "Oh it will only be a trace amount." Yeah, how about six inches or more over the course of those few days. I swear we spent most of our weekend shoveling snow. We are running out of places to pile it up. Oh well though, it looks pretty, haha!

Friday we closed our office at 2 pm due to the weather, so I ran a few errands and then went and picked up the Husband from work around 4 since they were letting them leave early too. After I dropped him off at home, I went to the gym for a little bit. It was kind of a blah night at the gym though, so I didn't stay long. I headed home after that and after having dinner I worked on my SIL's baby shower invites and finished them so that I could get them in the mail. 

Saturday I woke up early and went to Zumba. After Zumba I ran a few more errands including going to the Tattoo and Piercing place to get some new hoops put in my tragus piercing. No matter how hard I try, I can never get the stupid little ball on, so I just let them do it. They have pliers and stuff that they use that makes it a lot easier. 

After that we went downtown to our favorite spice shop, Savory, and got some new spices for cooking. Then we grabbed some coffee and went and did our grocery shopping. I knew it was going to be a crazy weekend for grocery shopping, but I also knew that I didn't want to have to worry about it on Sunday. 

After we finished our grocery shopping, we went home and made dinner and then proceeded to watch a few episodes of Game of Thrones. We only have two episodes left in the first season, but all I have to say is eff those stupid Lannisters! Ugh! I can't stand them. Especially Joffrey! Ugh!

In the hours leading up the biggest disappointment in the history of disappointments, I stayed busy with laundry, shoveling more snow, cleaning up the house and going to pick up some delicious BBQ from Bird Dog BBQ.  After that we watched the above mentioned disappointment. I do have to say though that I thoroughly enjoyed Bruno Mars' halftime show. For once I feel like they got that part right. AND I absolutely loved all of the T-Mobile commercials with Tim Tebow. 

I mean it's freaking Tim Tebow! I love him, haha! 

After the aforementioned disappointment, I spent the rest of my evening sulking/pouting/whining all while getting the rest of my laundry done and taking in my workout pants so that they aren't falling off my ass when I am doing mountain climbers and burpees at the gym anymore. What can I say, I am cheap and I am tired of having to buy new clothes just for them to not fit in a month or two. Hopefully I fixed that problem for a little while though. 

That was my weekend. Pretty good except for Sunday evening :( How about yours? Do anything fun?
