Friday, January 21, 2011

Living on Dreams of Butterflies

Welcome to Living on Dreams of Butterflies! This is a new thing for me so if I am horrible at it, lie to me please! Lol! I am not very good with all of this so if you ever have any helpful or insightful suggestions for me, please feel free to comment. So, where do I begin? First of all, my name is Megan and I am 23 years old. I just recently graduated from college in May of 2010 and am now a full fledged adult who pays bills and everything! Yay me! I am engaged to an amazing and loving guy named Aran and we are in the process of planning our wedding. I have an amazing family and some of the best friends anyone could ask for. Enough about me for now.

Some of you might wonder where the name for my blog came from. Well, in a hopefully short version, butterflies are a very symbolic thing in my family. When my mom was pregnant with me, one of my aunt's daughters (my cousin) died of S.I.D.S. When they had the funeral for my cousin, a small yellow butterfly came and sat on her coffin and stayed through the entire funeral. When they went to lower her the butterfly flew off of the coffin and flew around my family. Many years later my aunt was getting married. My mom and I were standing outside the church along with everyone else waiting for my aunt and her new husband to come out and when she did walk out those doors that same little yellow butterfly was flying around again. Then in September of 2007 my grandpa passed away. Just as his urn was being placed in the wall a little orange butterfly flew right past the space where his urn was going and then flew by me and my grandma. My grandma and I knew that it was him right away. My grandma recently passed away in December and although we haven't had her service so that she can join my grandpa, I know that another butterfly will be showing up to let us know that she is okay. So as you can see, butterflies have a very special place in my family and especially with me because I have always been very close with my grandparents and they have always had big dreams for me. So, I am trying to live out the dreams that they had for me, hence the name Living on Dreams of Butterflies. I love you Grandma Shirley, Grandpa Don, and Grandma Linda. You guys are missed very much and will always be loved!

Thank you so much for listening to my story and for checking out my blog. I want to say thank you to my best friend Lacey for encouraging me to do this. I would be lost without her, just like Garth would be lost without Wayne!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl I love you.welcome to the bloggin community. Love the name now we need o bedazzle ur page!! Let me know if you need help!


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