I am a big TV person. I love watching TV and I am always finding new shows that I can watch. With that being said, I love the show Glee. It is one of my all time favorites and I can't get enough of it. My favorite part of the show is seeing which songs they do each week. They always have such great songs that is impossible to not like what they are singing, which is probably why I have bought almost every soundtrack that they have put out. I broke down today and bought Volume 4 and 5 and so the rest of my day will consist of me rocking out to Glee at my desk.
If you guys haven't been watching Glee, I really encourage you to. Even as a girl in my early 20's, I find myself relating to not only the characters but the story line at times. It covers so many issues that people deal with today and I think it is great that the show is tackling these issues so that people know that they are not alone. The show really is just fun to watch and I look forward to it each week.
If you are wondering what kind of music they do then I can tell you. They do a little bit of everything. They have done songs from Cee Lo Green, Paramore, The Beatles, Katy Perry, Queen and a ton more. They have had entire shows dedicated to one artist. One of the biggest ones that they did was Madonna and the episode and the music was awesome. You can actually buy a separate CD just from that particular episode. The same goes for the Rocky Horror Picture Show episode that they did and the Valentine's Day episode. They even have two original songs that the cast performed for the Regionals episode that aired yesterday. The songs were amazing and I was able to relate to them so well.
Like I said before, this show is really just amazing and everyone should check it out if you haven't already. Hope everyone is having a good day! Or should I say a Gleeful day?
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