The title describes it all right now, haha! That is exactly how I feel. It is so freaking hot in my office today that it has completely sucked all of the energy out of me, leaving me not wanting to do any of my work. But I still have enough energy to write this blog for you guys, haha! My priorities today are AWESOME!
This weekend once again was nothing but craziness. Friday night I went out with two of my best friends, Amber and Victoria and one of their friends. We went to Chili's where we had dinner and a pitcher of Mango Margarita's. Well, I only had one and a half because I am a light weight, haha but there were three of us splitting the pitcher so I think I drank my fair share. After dinner, we went to the movies to see "Arthur" which was a really cute movie. It was a great night out with amazing friends and it was much needed after my horrible day at work on Friday. Nothing went quite right on Friday and I will just leave it at that.
Saturday morning I got up and met Lacey, Amber, and Victoria at the place where I am buying my wedding dress so that we could go order my dress and they could try on a bridesmaid dress that we are looking at for them. Amber and Victoria brought their two little girls Madyson and Kloe, who are freaking adorable so while they tried on the bridesmaid dress, I played with the girls. Like I said we also went to order my dress so that is now taken care of. I was a very excited person when she told me what size we were going to be ordering for me. Are you guys ready for this, because I definitely was not expecting it. Are you ready? Are you sure? Are you positive? Okay, I'm just being ornery now, but they ordered me a 16!!!!! That is a size smaller than I normally wear in jeans and when I went to the amazingly craptastic David's Bridal they measured me as an 18 so I was doing a happy dance!
After ordering my dress and getting lunch and doing a few other things, Lacey and I went down to my parent's house to help my little sister get ready for her senior prom. I had received a text message earlier in the day from my sister asking me if I could make her hair into a bow and I didn't quite understand what she meant and thought that she was slightly crazy. Well, she showed me a picture when we got there and it looked kind of simple so we watched a video on how to do it and it was the easiest thing I have ever seen. The video was only 3 minutes long so I figured it couldn't be that difficult. Well, it took me a few tries, but I did finally get it to look exactly how she wanted. I was very proud of the result. I also did her friend McKenzie's hair and hers turned out really good too! I was so excited for them and they looked beautiful! My sister also ended up winning Prom Queen too! I was so excited for her!
The bow made out of hair |
The full front view of Rachelle's bow hair |
The back of Rachelle's hair |
The top of McKenzie's hair |
McKenzie's hair from the front |
The back of McKenzie's hair |
My beautiful sister |
The back of her dress (my favorite part) |
McKenzie and Rachelle before prom
Beautiful Girls! |
Yesterday (Sunday), Lacey came over so that we could do her taxes! It took us a while but we figured them out. After that we decided to make a turkey pot pie with some leftovers of my families turkey dinner last weekend. I started by making our own pie crust, which didn't come out that well, but they worked. Then we put stuffing on the bottom, then turkey, then mixed vegetables and then we poured gravy over the entire thing and then covered the top with another pie crust. It was so delicious, even with the crust falling apart, haha!
I got kind of a bad call last night though. My four and half year old niece MaKenzi had to go to the ER yesterday because she split her chin open. My brother's family went bowling yesterday and she had picked up her bowling ball and went to step up onto the lane to throw it down and she tripped and smacked her chin on the bowling ball. A long time at the ER and 5 stitches later and she is doing okay now. I felt so bad when they called and told me, that I wanted to rush right down there, but it was already 10 so I decided not to. But from what I heard she was very brave and didn't even cry when they stitched her up, but I still feel bad for her.
Overall, it was a pretty good weekend. Very busy, but very productive at the same time. Today I start working out at the gym. We bought gym memberships last week so I intend on using it considering that I am paying for it so after work we are off to the gym. I have a feeling that I am going to be sore tomorrow. I already don't like the sound of it, but I need to get my butt into gear and get into shape. I promise I will try to write more this week because I know that I have been slacking. I hope that everyone had a great weekend and I hope that your week started off on a good note.
And just for laughs, a silly picture of my sister before going to prom! She will probably kill me for posting it, but that is what sisters are for!
Rachelle eating a taco like a lady |
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