Friday, October 7, 2011

3 Months Away, Oh My!!

Holy moly, only three months to go! At this point that doesn't seem like a lot of time and it also doesn't seem like it is ever going to get here. Is it normal for things to suddenly feel like they are creeping by instead of flying?  Any who, my list of things to do hasn't really had much completion going on lately. I have been pretty lazy. I know that at this point that I shouldn't be and that I should be trying to get more and more done now instead of later, but for some reason I have just not had any motivation. I have no motivation at work or when I get home in the evenings. I guess I really just need to start making myself get some of this done instead of putting it off.

I hope to get some more of this stuff done this weekend. We have a three day weekend because of Columbus day so I am hoping that I will get my butt in gear and actually work on some of these projects. Here is a list of things that I desperately want to finish this weekend;

  • Flip flops for everyone(I need to find a way to attach the flowers that I made to these. Hot glue isn't working and I tried Gorilla Glue, but it takes too long to dry.)
  • Circle decals for our new favor boxes that we bought.
  • Photo booth sign(I bought a black foam board for this, but I am rethinking this and thinking that I want to get a chalk board and a pretty frame for it. Looks like I need to do some thrift store shopping.)
  • Get our invites finished and in the mail by Monday or Tuesday.
  • Try and finish our candy jar signs
  • Make a banner for the candy buffet
  • Finish the tissue paper balls I am working on for a decoration for the candy table 
It is a pretty long list, but I know that I can get a lot of this finished if I really set my mind too it. Something else that needs to get done this weekend for my own sanity is that my apartment needs to be cleaned. And I mean CLEANED!! That is another thing that I keep getting putting off too and now it is just driving me crazy!! I also want to get our Halloween Decorations out. Looks like I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Hopefully on Tuesday I can update you guys with everything that I got done.

Something exciting for this weekend is that we might be getting some snow on Saturday! Fingers crossed!! I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will hopefully be back on Tuesday with some updates for you guys! 


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