Monday, January 16, 2012

Wow 10+ Years!: A Guest Post from Nikki at The Field of Life

Happy Monday everyone! Today is my last day off before I have to head back to work, so I have one last guest post for you guys. I hope that you guys have enjoyed all of the guest posts. I know that I have enjoyed reading them.

Today's guest post is from Nikki at The Field of Life. Nikki is pretty new to the blogging world, but we have been friends for a long time. I will let her tell you more about that. Enjoy and I will be back soon with wedding recaps.

“Even though we’ve changed and we’re all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we’ll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we’re not all still friends”
~ Anonymous (found on-line)

Friends come into our lives!  Sometimes these friends stay and sometimes they go.  It amazes me that some friends come into your life unexpectedly and you remain friends even though you are miles apart.  That is my friendship story with Megan.

Megan and I met in 7th grade (I think) when our families went on a family vacation to Lake Powell.  It was by chance that we met.  Our families had never met before this vacation so how did it come to take place.  Well we both knew one person who knew each of our families and had invited both families to come together.  Who knew that we would hit it off and continue our friendship? 

That week at Lake Powell was a lot of fun!  We stayed in contact for about a year after that.  Then we kind of kept in touch here and there.  Whenever I visited my aunt we would catch up.  Well after a few years of not really staying in touch I found out one day that we would be going to the same college.  Who knew we would rebuild our friendship?  Better yet who knew that we would end up at the same college and in the same residence hall?  Weird how things turned out!

Our college years were spent hanging out, getting to know new friends, and rebuilding our friendship.  We were even roommates for a semester before I left to do my students teaching!  Too bad we didn’t try that out earlier.  After college we stayed in touch.  We have celebrated many happy events and some sad ones.  It doesn’t matter how far apart we are we manage to be a part of each other’s lives.

As our lives continue to go in different directions we still take time to make sure we stay in touch.  A year and a half ago she was a part of my big day and just recently I got a chance to be a part of her big day.  We each have taken a huge step in our lives and I hope we continue to stay in touch.  It is amazing how the time flies but you always manage to find time for your friends!  Friends are important, so keep them close because they will be there for you when you need them. 

Congrats to the new Mr. & Mrs.!  I am so honored to call you my friend. 

Megan's 21st Birthday

College Graduation

Me and Megan on my big day

Megan and I on her big day


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