Monday, March 19, 2012

Venue Set Up

After our morning of getting beautified, Lou Veronica and I headed back to my apartment to meet with my bridesmaid, Rochelle. Once we met up with her we loaded up the car with everything for the weekend and headed up to the Denver area where the wedding was taking place.

Our first stop was at Aran's parents house so that we could load up the car with everything that needed to be taken over to the venue and set up. At this point we were running a little behind so it was rush, rush, rush. Once we had everything loaded up, we booked it over to the venue so that we could start setting up the few things that we needed to set up.

We arrived at the venue with about an hour and a half until we had to be at the Church for rehearsal. So we set out to try and get everything done in the time that we had. We didn't have a lot to set up. This is what we had to set up;

  • Wishing Tree
  • Candy Buffet Table
  • Photo Booth Sign
  • Table Numbers
Looks like a short list right? Little did I know, it was going to take us longer than I thought. We got the photo booth sign up on the easel but then realized that we didn't have the chalk to write on it. Oops! Someone was going to have to do this the day of. Oh well!

When we got there, the staff was just cleaning up from another event that had happened earlier in the day so they were trying to get all of the tables set up with the correct linens for our event. So I had to wait until they were done putting the tables together so that I could put the table numbers out. Again, this took longer than expected.

Setting up the Wishing Tree didn't take that long, but again I had to wait for a table to be set up so that I could put the tree on it. And the same went for our Candy Buffet table. Once the tables were set up with linens it really didn't take that long, but waiting around for the tables to be set up took way too much of the time that we had. 

In the end we got everything done, but we were cutting it close. Once we had everything set up, we had to race over to the church so that we could change and be ready for the rehearsal. We made it just in the nick of time. Again, thank goodness for friends. If I wouldn't have had them to help me set up, it wouldn't have been done. 

Thanks again for stopping by today. I will be back on Wednesday with another recap. Wednesdays post will be about the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. And luckily I did take some pics at the rehearsal dinner so I will have pictures on Wednesday. Thanks again for stopping by and have a great day!


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