Thursday, May 17, 2012

Potential Home Buyers Here

Happy Thursday everyone!!! I hope that your week is going well. And I also hope that this is your Friday like it is for me!!

I wanted to fill you guys in on something major that is going on in our lives right now. It all started last week when we gave our apartments our 60 day notice. I have told you guys how many issues that we have had in this place and it was just not somewhere that we wanted to stay for another year. So we decided to start looking at a bigger place to rent like a town house or even a real house. A very good friend/second mom to me is a Realtor so we started talking to her about finding a new rental when she suggested that we should really look into buying right now.


After a pretty lengthy discussion, Aran and I decided that we should talk it over with his parents just to get someone else's perspective and advice on the situation. After speaking with them, they told us that we should go for it. So we contacted a lender this week and discussed our options and about using the first time home buyers program. Come to find out, it is actually going to be cheaper for us to buy a house then to rent a place.

Now I know what you are thinking. You are probably thinking, "Well, duh!" Everybody has always told me that it is cheaper to buy than to rent but I guess I never actually believed them. It didn't really hit me until the lender told me what we could be paying and then it all clicked!

We are still in the very early stages of this whole process, but it looks like it will be happening. I can't even explain how excited I am about this decision. I can't wait to find our house and to be able to start making it our house with decorating and furniture and fun stuff like that.


Now here is where I need some help. For those of you out there that have already bought a home, do you have any tips for us? What are some questions that we should be asking? Anything at all would help right now. We definitely have no clue what we are doing, so some guidance/advice would definitely come in handy.

Thanks in advance for those that can offer of up some suggestions/advice/guidance. Have any of you been thinking about buying a home soon? For those that have, how long did the process take?




    Questions to ask:

    Have they had any problems with plumbing, heating,flooring, or roofing?

    What's their average utility bill?

    Are their any additions/add-ons to the house?

    Those are the ones my dad told me to ask.

  2. Totally and completely jealous! Our apartment is a nightmare. We can't wait to get everything settled with the wedding so that we can start looking! Good luck!

  3. We're actually beginning the same process! We just made an offer on a house this morning! The house is empty and has been flipped, so we did not have an owner to talk to about utilities or anything, but be sure to try and go after a rain storm to check for water leakage, and remember that anything cosmetic can be changed (paint, nobs, shelves). Look and see if the layout is what you want and if the rooms are big enough for your furniture and your future family (if you plan to stay a while). Look at the high dollar items and see if they will need replacing soon (counter tops, appliances, flooring, roof, hot water heater, ac unit).

    Our realtor was actually really good at looking at things and guessing at how old they are and giving us a guess at when we would need to look at replacing them.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Ms. Megan !
    I will be there....... :) I am so glad you have Aran's parents to give you extra guidance!!! I am excited to start showing you some homes!!! Share the news ith your friends, NOW is the time to buy!


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