Thursday, November 1, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Advent Swap

Okay for those of you who don't know this about me, I absolutely LOVE Christmas! It is my all time fave Holiday and I can't get enough of it when it is here. So when I saw that Stephanie from The Vintage Modern Wife and Sarah from Scissors & A Whisk were doing a 25 Days of Christmas Advent Swap, I knew that I had to participate!!!!

The Vintage Modern Wife 25 Days of Christmas Advent Swap

I can't wait to come up with some fun and creative things for my Advent calendar! Here are the details about this swap:

Important dates to know...
November 1st -- sign ups begin.
November 8th -- sign ups end.
November 10th -- partners will be paired and contacted via email. (Please take note that it's your responsibility to contact your partner and talk about what y'all like and dislike.)
November 19 -- last day to mail your calendars. This is super important so everyone gets their calendar on time for December 1st!
December 14 -- link up to show off the goodies you've gotten so far.
January 3 -- link up to show all of your goodies!

Price limit: The cost limit for this swap is $20 for goodies, and does NOT include the cost for the materials of the calendar itself. Be creative! Check out Pinterest if you need some inspiration. 

If you want to participate as well, head on over to Stephanie or Sarah's blog!!! Hope to see some of you sign up!



Comments are way rad and totally make my day. I love reading each and everyone one of them :)