Hey guys! It is Wednesday which means only a few more days until I have a four and a half day weekend!!!!
This week has kind of been a weird one with blogging. Sorry about that. Monday I tried about a dozen different times to start a post, but I just couldn't find the words. My heart is still very heavy with what happened last Friday in Newtown, but for some reason, I just couldn't put into words what I was feeling. And I am still struggling with it. Right now though the least that I can say is that my thoughts and prayers go out to those families that lost someone on Friday.
And yesterday I took part in the Blogger day of Silence to honor the precious lives lost on Friday. And well today, you get a hodge podge of this past weekend and the Christmas cookie shenanigans that took place last night.
After everything that happened last Friday, I decided to head down to my Brothers to see my Nieces. I just wanted to give them a hug and a kiss and tell them that I love them. So I went down and had dinner with them and we watched Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer and a few other Christmas specials that were on CBS at the time. It was just what I needed.
On Saturday, we did a lot of running around for Christmas shopping and then we watched my Nieces that night so that my Brother and my SIL could go "help" Santa get ready for Christmas. We watched The Polar Express and had some snacks and just had an overall good time together.
On Sunday we also hung out with my Nieces. We had an overall theme going to the weekend. While my Brother and SIL had to go "help" Santa again, we took my Nieces roller skating. They had never been so I was really excited to take them to do this. Rollerskating is something that I loved when I was their age, so I was excited to see how they would like it and to see how quickly they would pick it up.
It was kind of hard for them at first, but after a while they picked it up. Towards the end of it, they didn't even want our help. They wanted to do it all on their own. They did a great job and I was so proud of them for trying something new. However, I think I have created some monsters because they are already asking when we can go again :)
That was our weekend. We didn't do a whole lot, but we did get to spend some quality time with my family which I really needed after the horrible events of Friday. I am lucky that I have such an amazing family that I can spend time with.
Last night was a fun one. My friend Rochelle came over and we made Christmas cookies. We try to do this every year. Some years the cookies turn out great, other years not so much. This year they didn't come out too bad. We had a lot of fun making them and then decorating them. The Hubby even helped out and made the frosting for us and colored it a bunch of different colors for us.
My favorites were the snowflakes, the mittens and the Christmas lights! Those were all new additions to my cookie cutters this year. I also got a moose and a reindeer, but those ones didn't turn out so great because of how thin some of the pieces were. Oh well, they still tasted good!
And lastly in this hodge podge of a post, it is snowing here in CO today and I couldn't be more excited. It really feels like Christmas. The only problem with this snow, is how flippin cold it is too. The wind is really bad, so it is making it feel even colder than it should. My dog didn't even want to get out of bed this morning. I had to put his sweater on him just so that he could go outside, And even then, he didn't want to move, haha!
Isn't he freaking adorable? I love that little dog so much. I wish that I could have stayed in bed with him all day today! Oh well, gotta earn that money.
Now excuse me while I sit at my desk and watch the snow outside I should probably get back to work. I hope that everyone has a great day!
Send me some snow!Glad you had fun with them!