Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dr. Seuss Baby Shower Invitations

A while back, I told you guys about the online baby shower that we are throwing for my friend Lou. And I also kind of told you in a rant about what happened with the invitations I was trying to order through an Etsy seller. Well because of what happened with that particular situation, I ended up buying digital scrapbooking kits and making them myself on the scrapbook software that I have. So today, I wanted to show you guys the final results of how they turned out!

And can I just say that I was pretty impressed with myself (and my friend Nicole who helped me on the main invite) that they turned out so well. Like so impressed that I think I could sell this design on Etsy and people would actually buy them. Okay, maybe not, but I like to think that people would.

To get started I purchased three different Dr. Seuss themed digital scrapbook kits. Two of them I purchased from MyFunInvite.com which had all kinds of characters and borders and Truffula Trees. And the other kit I found from Etsy seller LaneandMay which was just background paper that I could use for various things. I also found a website that had a Dr. Seuss font called Green Eggs Light that I was able to download into my software. 

Once I had the kits and font all downloaded and ready to go, Nicole and I set out to try and design something. We weren't sure what, but we came up with something that we both loved and it really didn't take much time. And I had seen this little poem/rhyme(whatever you want to call it) online and loved it. We had to tweak it a little to fit the online shower and of course the person and the dates, but I think it worked out pretty well. Here is what we came up with!

Once I had the invites printed and cut, I found a thick card stock that I thought complimented the invitation. I cut that down to size so that once the invitation was adhered to it, it had a small border around the outside of it. Then I set out to work on the information sheet that I wanted to include on the back of the invite. 

I used one of the background papers that I bought and turned the transparency down on it so that it was kind of muted, if that makes any sense. And then using the Dr. Seuss font once again, I wrote a little note to all of the family and friends of the couple, explaining how the whole online baby shower thing was going to work. 

Also using the same digital kits and my software, I made some fun little inserts for the invite. The first one I made was a Prediction card.

And then I came up with this little idea for a well wishes card. I loved the little Oh the Places You'll Go picture that came in the kits and I thought it would be cute as a stamp and it just all kind of came to me at once. Why not make it look like a postcard. It actually turned out better than I expected. 

And then I also put a small card(about the size of a business card) that included where they are registered and our request that the guests send a book instead of a card.  

I quickly realized that I had not noted anywhere that we would like the prediction and well wish cards sent back so that we could send them to Lou, so I ended up making this little tag to attach to the invites, asking everyone to do just that. I used the circle cutter that I had bought for wedding projects to cut these out. 

Once I had everything printed and cut out, I put all of the inserts together and tied a ribbon around them to hold them together. I then attached the Truffula Tree tag to the ribbon. 

And voila! I had a finished product! I had an invitation that I was super proud of and so excited to send out to all of Lou's family and friends. 

For never doing something like this before, I think I did pretty well for my first time. I am actually looking forward to making more invitations in the future for other events. It was a bit stressful at times, but the end result was completely worth it. And besides, the people at Staples will miss me if I don't come back in soon and print more stuff. Let's just say they know me pretty well now after this, haha! 

I couldn't be happier with how these turned out. And I am just so happy that I got to do this for my best friend. She absolutely loved the invite when she received it and that made the whole process completely worth it!



  1. That is the cutest!! What a great idea!

  2. Those are awesome! Great job!

  3. These are so adorable!!! I totally think you could sell them on Etsy!

  4. wow Megan, you really outdid yourself, these are amazing and I do agree you could totally sell these! Your friend is a lucky lady!


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