Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

It's that time of the week again. Time for Weigh-In Wednesday.

I have so much that I want to share with you guys that I don't even know where to begin. I guess I will start with the biggest change that I have noticed so far, my attitude and drive. I don't know what clicked over the past week or so, but I feel so incredibly amazing about this entire process. I have a new outlook on the whole thing and all I can think about is how amazing it is going to feel when I meet my goals. I think a big part of this had to do with my first training session. I somewhat told you guys about this last Thursday. Something about this trainer telling me that my goal of being in the 130-140 lb range being absolutely attainable has just changed my entire outlook and mood on this entire process.

I have always thought that I could never ever get down to that weight because I am of a stockier build. Ya know, wide hips, big butt, big boobs. I thought because of those things that I would never be able to get to where I would absolutely love to be. But having someone who does this for a living and knows his shiz tell me that I can absolutely do it and all it will take is some hard work, it made me re-evaluate myself. I have been the one getting in the way of me not losing the weight. It has been me getting into my head all along. But now? I am tired of being the reason that I am not happy with how I look and feel. I feel like I finally broke through that barrier and am ready to make this change to be a better me. 

I spent a lot of time at the gym last week and plan on being there quite a bit again this week. Not going to lie, I am loving my personal training sessions. My trainer is awesome. He pushes me to work hard, but doesn't push me over the edge. He shows me what I need to do during my workouts and he has such a positive personality that you can't help but feel so positive after being around him. He is just awesome and I am so glad that I won those free sessions. I am even looking into how much it will be to get more sessions with him because I think he is going to be a great person to help me meet my goals. 

When I say that I was at the gym a lot last week, I am not lying. Last Monday we went and did some cardio. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I did Zumba and on Wednesday I had my first personal training session. So a total of five days. That is huge for me. And I am already planning on being at the gym another five days this week too! I am starting to enjoy going, which is good. I need to enjoy it so that I will go all the time. 

I also did really well with my eating this week. I was over my calories a couple of times this week, but it was never by more than 100 calories, so I wasn't too concerned. Something that I am working on is making sure that I am eating the right things together. I am trying to pair proteins with carbs for my snacks and meals so that I feel more full. And I am trying to make sure that I get some protein after my workouts. I am not a big fan of protein shakes though, or at least the ones that I have tried. Any suggestions on some good ones?

Okay, let's get down to the good stuff. Here are this weeks current measurements.

Over the past week I have lost three lbs! And I am very proud and excited by that. I didn't take measurements last week, so this week is my starting week for that. But I think I will only do those once a month just so that I can actually see some change hopefully. 

I am going to stick with my same goals as last week which were just eating healthy and actually going to the gym. I am going to add one though and that is to drink tons more water. I don't drink enough and I know that is a problem, so I am going to work on that this week. 

I am so happy with the change and progress that I have seen in just a week's time. I can't wait to see what months of hard work and change will do for me. I have a ways to go, but I am only getting better with each day. And that is all that I can ask. I just need to remember to tell myself that from time to time. 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your progress! I needed to read this today because I always feel like even though I'm short and 120-130 is the range I should be in, I always feel like it's not attainable since I have hips, boobs, etc. Your motivation is rubbing off! :)


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