Yes, it is time to bring back Weigh-In Wednesdays!
The scale has not been my friend as of late, but I do want to hold myself accountable. And I find that putting it out there for all the world to read is the best way for me to do that.
Two weeks ago, I weighed in at 188.6 lbs. I was devastated. How could I let this happen? How could I get so lazy and careless with my eating again? After all the questions, the self shaming and of course the tears, I knew a change needed to happen.
Food choices have been my biggest downfall. I knew that I needed to be making better food choices and that meal prep would be key. The last two weeks I have made meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I made lists for the grocery store that included only healthy items. I meal prepped like crazy. And most importantly, I stuck to those meals and stayed within my calories.
My workouts are becoming more consistent again too. I've been getting back to TRX classes one or two times a week and lifting weights two to three times a week. We have been trying to get out and hike more and more and we have been trail running more frequently.
Just in these two weeks, I have already seen a change. Mentally, I can see that I am getting back on the right path. And physically I am feeling better and stronger with each workout. And with each great food choice and each workout, I can feel my momentum picking up steam. And I'm loving it!
I'm happy to report that I am already seeing all of these changes on the scale too. I stepped on this morning and I am down to 186.2 lbs! Two lbs in two weeks. I will take it! I'm happy to see the number going down and it is giving me more and more momentum to keep going. I've done it once, and I'm going to do it again!
Get it giiiiiiirrrrl! You got this!