With our wedding being less than two weeks away, I figured I should start putting some guest posts together. So, if you would be at all interested in guest posting for me for the week of the wedding and the week after the wedding, please leave me a comment letting me know if you are interested along with a way to contact you or email me at mdvervaecke@gmail dot com. I would love to have enough guest posts to cover both weeks, but if not, then I will just spread them out over the two weeks.
Even though we are not going on our honeymoon the week after the wedding, we are taking it off to just relax and re coup and maybe spend some time with our family and friends that are still in town, so I have no idea how much I will be around a computer. So again, I would really like to have some posts set up for that week too.
Thanks in advance to everyone who is going to help. Hope you are having a great day so far!
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Comments are way rad and totally make my day. I love reading each and everyone one of them :)