Now that Christmas is almost over, things are really going to start shifting gears. I mean we have a wedding in less than two weeks! And our list of things to do is slowly getting checked off, but it doesn't feel like it is getting checked off quickly enough. I kind of just wish that they would do themselves at this point. But of course they won't so I still have some work to do. It isn't a lot and I think that within the next week we could have everything finished.
Last week this was my list of things to do;
- Ceremony Programs
- Wishing Tree Sign(Have it in Word, just need to print it on the paper and get a frame for it.)
Final touches on Favor Boxes- Affixing signs to candy jars
- Buy all the candy(We got a Sam's Club Membership for Christmas so that will come in handy for this!)
- Table #'s (These are designed, we just need to pick pictures out for them and print them)
- Get a hold of the last 6 or 7 that haven't RSVP'd
Seating chart- Place cards
- Ceremony music
- Make my garter
Finish Gift for Flower Girls(Almost done with this, but I need an iron. Who doesn't have an iron? Oh yeah, us,haha!)Buy gift for Ring Bearer- Buy Groomsmen Gifts
Get my Brother and Step Dad to get fitted(I may have to drag them there, but it will be done this week)- Final Count to Caterers
Final Count to Florist for Corsages, Bouquets, Boutonniere's, and Table Arrangements,Get our Marriage License(We are doing this at the end of this week)Get all of our final paperwork to the church by this weekend- Take my rings in to get put together and cleaned(Doing this today!!)
Final meeting with DJ's(This was supposed to happen last week, but we have had to reschedule twice, oops!)Need to get ribbon to our cake person- Cut down the sleeves on the flower girl dresses(they are way too long, good thing they are made of tulle)
- Pick up dress the week of the wedding
- Pick up Veronica from the Airport(I am way excited about this one!!)
- Need to get my nails done
- And lastly, find some time to relax and breathe
Like, I said the list is getting shorter. I know that there are a few other things that need to be done, but I just can't think of them at this time.
Well, I think that is all that I have for today. I need to get myself up and out of bed and ready to go. We have a few other things that we need to do today so I should probably get my butt in gear. It is nice having a day off of work, but with all the stuff that we have to do it doesn't really feel like I have the day off. Bummer! But, I guess it will all be worth it in the end! Merry Christmas again everyone!
Did you guys have a great Christmas? What was your favorite gift?
I am really excited about the picking up Veronica from the airport as well :)