This week was kind of an odd week. The only type of fitness related stuff that I did was my walk on Tuesday. Fail on my part, I know. I have been keeping up with my Mean Abs June though. I am pretty proud of myself for that.
I completely forgot to take measurements again this week! Apparently I suck at remembering these things. Oh well, next week I guess.
Now for the I guess somewhat good news. I stayed the same this week weighing in at 216 lbs. Wasn't really surprised but wasn't thrilled either. I will do better next week. The gym is in my future next week I promise!
My goals for the next week are:
- Cut Diet Coke out of my diet completely. I have been drinking it so much that I have been starting to crave it and that is not a good sign. So bye bye Diet coke!
- Drink lots of water! I have been doing better at this in the past week, but it could be better.
- Cut out bread again. I was doing really good with keeping it out of my diet. I still am, but I do have it occasionally. It needs to go for good!
- Go to the gym at least twice next week.
- Walk two days a week
- Keep up with my Mean Abs June schedule
There you have it. Time to really start challenging myself. I know I can do this, I just need to find some motivation.
I hope everyone else did a lot better than me this week with your fitness and eating healthy. Have a great weekend everyone!!
How did I not SEE this?! A) Thanks for linking up! You rock! B) Something is better than nothing! Keep at it! You got this!