Monday, June 18, 2012

A Weekend at the Races

On Saturday morning, my brother and sister and my two nieces along with myself loaded up in the car and drove almost six hours to Albuquerque, NM. We drove down to see my Dad race his X-Modified race car at Napa Speedway. 

It was a very long drive especially with two little girls who kept getting sick, but eventually we made it. We had a little while before the races started so we hung out in my Dad's trailer so that we could stay out of the sun for a little while. 

My Brother and my Dad
My Dad

My Dad's car

My Brother and my Dad also helped out a few of their team mates with their cars while we waited and also made a few adjustments to my Dad's car after the practice runs.

After what seemed like a very long time, it was finally time for the races to start. We made our way to the grand stands and waited for his race to start. Luckily, we didn't have to wait too long because his class was up second. 

It's race time

Anytime that he races is nerve wracking for my family, but this race was even worse because he was in the lead from the start and we were just hoping and praying that he stayed in the lead. Up in the stands we were screaming and yelling encouraging things while also talking to ourselves and just trying not to get too excited and also talking to him like he could hear us. We know that he couldn't but yet we were still talking to him, haha! After 25 laps he came around that last corner and across the finish line in 1st place!!!!!!!! We erupted with excitement and cheers as we made our way down to the fences to cheer him on in Victory lane!!! I was shaking at this point and almost in tears because of how excited I was. This was his first win and we were so proud of him!!
He won!!!!
Unfortunately for him, the track had not received the trophies that they had ordered for the races so he didn't get to take the traditional picture in front of his car with his trophy, but he didn't care. He had still won! The team of racers that he is with (Circle Burner Race Cars) decided later on in the night to make their own trophy for him. 7 full cans of beer, some purple duct tape, a silver sharpie and part of the beer box later and my Dad had his own trophy to display proudly on his car!

His trophy that the Circle Burner Race Crew built for him

 I have to give two of the guys credit for coming up with this. They did a pretty good job with this and I am pretty sure that they were both already pretty drunk at this point, so good job Toby and David for your quick thinking and ingenuity!

Needless to say it was a great weekend for our family and probably one of the best Father's Day/Anniversary presents my Dad and my family could have asked for. Congrats again Dad on your win! We are all so proud of you and love you very much!!


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