With "Single Ladies" playing in the background it was time to toss the bouquet. As all of the single ladies took the floor, I was trying to figure out how I was going to toss this bouquet without hitting the ceiling. All of the ladies were lined up and waiting for the big moment. I was hoping there wouldn't be any cat fights, but ya never know.
my little sister! Which isn't surprising because first of all she was about 3 or 4 inches taller than almost everyone, and she plays basketball so it was just like catching a rebound for her, haha!
After the bouquet had been tossed and all the claws had been retracted, it was time for the Garter toss. I really went back and forth on whether or not to do this. I just wasn't sure that I wanted Aran rooting around underneath my dress in front of all of our guests. But, we decided to do it. We had them play "Foxy Lady" by Jimi Hendrix, which in my world is better known as the song that Garth daydreams to in Wayne's World. Looking back on it now, I'm not really sure why we picked this song, but it was funny. Especially when Aran started doing the "I'm Not Worthy" dance around me before hand.
And the person that got the garter was...
my cousin Dominic! He doesn't quite understand this whole thing yet, but he was really excited, so we just let him have his moment.
Thinking back on it, I am glad that we decided to do both of these. They are fun memories to think about and the pictures are good for a few laughs, so all in all, it was worth it.
Need to catch up?
Hunting Down Tuxedos
A Morning of Getting Beautified
Venue Set Up
A Rehearsal & A Dinner
Bridal Party Gifts Part 1
Bridal Party Gifts Part 2
Bridal Party Gifts Part 3
Getting Ready-Hair & Make-Up
Getting Dressed: The Groom & His Fellas
Getting Dressed: The Flower Girls
Getting Dressed: The Bride & Her Ladies
The Ceremony
Formal Photos
Photo Fun: The Groom & His Fellas
Photo Fun: The Bride & Her Ladies
Photo Fun in the Snow
A Girl Needs Her Accessories
With These Rings We Wed
Table Decor
Wishing Tree
Our Entrance
Speech, Speech, Speech
Candy Buffet: The Favor Box
Candy Buffet: The Finished Product
Our Cake
Let Them Eat Cake
First Dance
Father Daughter Dance
Mother Son Dance
Strike a Pose & Create a Memory
OMG, we are trying to pick our songs now and it SUCKS! I love the "Foxy lady" idea.... I might steal it? Is that OK?