Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our Place

When we bought our house, I told you guys that I would post pictures of the new place. It only took me about a month, but I finally have some pictures to show you guys. Granted, most of these pictures came straight from the listing, but they are pictures none the less. I will eventually post my own pictures so that you can see what it looks like since we painted a few rooms, but they aren't quite camera ready so that will have to be for another day. 

So, without further ado, I give you our first house!

Aran and I in front of the house the day we closed on it.

Kitchen-we don't have a table in there like they did
so it looks a lot bigger now than in these pics

Living Room-We have painted this room
Dining room-We have also painted this room
3rd Bedroom-Currently my office
Master Bedroom-We have painted this room too and started
the decorating process
Our amazing deck!!
Backyard again
So that's it. That's our place. I think the only room that I don't have a picture of is Aran's office. Oh well, it looks just like the 3rd Bedroom. We are still in the process of unpacking and trying to decorate so as soon as some of the rooms are more complete I will post some more pictures. 

Hope everyone is having a great day. Tomorrow is Friday so it has to be looking up!



  1. OH EM GEE! Love it! So cute! Can't wait to see what you have done!!!

  2. Loving the decor and color schemes!! Looking nice, and I must say..i am a bit envious :) Grats again!

  3. I love it! I can't wait to come visit. you're back yard looks awesome and the deck! looks like a great bbq area :D

  4. I love it!! Congrats on a beautiful house!


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