Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thanks K!

This post is dedicated to K from Down at Fraggle Rock. She apparently listened to me when I told her to send all of the crazy snow they were getting my way. 

At around 9 pm last night, we already had five inches. That's right! We have snow and it's actually sticking to the ground. I don't remember the last time we had this much snow. And this morning when I woke up, we had about seven inches. Now I know it isn't the 20+ inches that K got, but it is more than we have had in a long time. 

So now I have to sit here and wait to hear from work. I am praying to the weather gods that I don't have to go anywhere. I don't know that my car will make it through all of this and not only that, but it would probably take me at least an hour to get to work or longer.

And to add to that, almost every route to work was closed last night due to the icy and snow packed conditions, so I am not really sure that I would even be able to get there. Ugh! It is going to be a long morning of waiting. 

Everybody send good thoughts this way so that I have a snow day!!!! 



  1. 30+, we got 30+ inches. Haha. And you're very welcome. Supposedly we are getting another 8-12 this weekend. EEK!

  2. Yay i love snow days! Crossing my fingers you get to stay home today!

  3. wow, that is a lot of snow! Hope you get to stay home!

  4. Hahahah OMG take it...K & I are supposed to get a crap load more this weekend, we can def spare some!

  5. I am so sick of the snow. Snow days are awesome if you get to miss work tho haha
    Have a great weekend

  6. Blehh so much snow! It seems to be consistently snowing here in Utah as well. It just keeps piling up. where is spring?!


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