Hey guys! I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I technically have today off, but I decided to head into the office for a few hours to get some work done. Hopefully since nobody will be there, I will actually be able to get some work done. Hopefully!
Our weekend was pretty typical for us. Some lounging around, some working out, some cleaning, ya know. the usual.
Friday night I went to Zumba after work and then went to dinner with my friends Kristen and Matt. We went to Red Robin for dinner and then headed to Best Buy and Target just to hang out and look around.
Saturday, I did absolutely nothing. I didn't even get dressed. I went back and forth from the couch to my bed switching back and forth between Catfish The TV Show and Gilmore Girls. I was so tired that I just didn't want to do a damn thing. I think all of these long stressful weeks are starting to catch up with me. It was a much needed day of doing absolutely nothing.
Sunday I woke up and went to Zumba. Then I did a little bit of grocery shopping and then headed home. After I had been home for about an hour, our friends Bret and Rochelle came over and then we headed out to do some shopping. We went to BBB and then grabbed some dinner from Qdoba. After dinner we went to TJ Max/Homegoods and then headed to Office Max.
I was in heaven at Office Max. I have a small obsession with office supplies. I found some new pens for work and a new drawer organizer. It was a pretty productive outing.
We came home after our outing and then just relaxed for the rest of the night. Like I said, it was a pretty typical weekend for us.
What did you guys do this weekend?
Wait a minute... your office is closed and you are going in? What are you? Insane???