Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

I just wanted to stop in real quick and tell everyone Happy Easter!! I hope that you all had an amazing day full of family and happiness! 

I will be back tomorrow with my weekend recap. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday's Letters

Well Friday is here! This week has kind of flown by, but has been busy. I am very much ready for the weekend. So let's get started. 


Dear Warm Weather,
You can show your face at any time now. I mean it has been a little bit warmer, but it is supposed to get cold again. Get your shiz together weather.

Dear Father Paul,
Thank you for approaching my husband at church last night and asking him if he was a teenager. I got a real good laugh out of that, haha! Sorry honey, but you do have a baby face!

Dear Bringing Sexy Back! Participants,
Thanks for linking up with us. And for those of you who didn't, we hope to see you next week!

Dear Hacienda Colorado,
Holy crapy! You have some delicious food! And I swear you put crack in your salsa. I couldn't quit eating it. Yum!!

Dear Glee,
You have my attention again. You have definitely gone to a more grown up version, but still have some immaturity in there. I will be a viewer again.

Okay, that's all I have for today. I am super tired and am having a hard time thinking. I hope you guys all have a great weekend! And Happy Easter!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bringing Sexy Back!

Bringing Sexy Back! A fitness link up hosted by K from Down at Fraggle Rock and myself! Grab the button and join in!

Grab button for Bringing Sexy Back!

Bringing Sexy Back! is a fitness link up to help encourage one another with our fitness and health goals. By holding ourselves accountable and encouraging each other, we can be healthier and better versions of ourselves. 

So let's get down to the nitty gritty. I myself, like most of you have read, really want to lose some weight. I want to feel better about myself. And not only do I want to lose weight, but I want to make a lifestyle change. I want to make healthy choices all the time, not just some of the time. 

What I want to get out of this is support. I have found that the more support I have, the better I do. And I hope that I can be that support for you as well no matter what your goals may be. 

And now for my measurements.
Weight: 222.8 lbs
Waist-Natural: 36"
Waist-Belly Button: 42.5"
Bust: 43.5"
Arms-Left: 16"
Arms-Right: 16"
Thigh-Left: 29.5"
Thigh-Right: 29.5"

Right now, I really want to get below 200 lbs. I would like to be there by the end of May. I don't know if it is possible, but I am going to work my ass of and try to make it happen. And after I get down below 200 lbs, I will re-evaluate what my end goal is. 

I hope that all of you got a chance to post your measurements. I can't wait to read all of your posts and help support and encourage you along the way.

Don't forget to link up. And make sure to head on over to K's blog to see her Bringing Sexy Back! post! Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Droughts Suck!

I don't know about where most of you are living, but here in CO we are in a drought. Even though we have gotten a good amount of snow this winter, it still wasn't enough to make a difference. Which sucks because for the summer we are being put on watering restrictions.

Starting April 1st, we will only be able to water two days a week. Two days!!!! That's it! So my pretty green grass in the front and back yards that I was so proud of last summer, will probably not be very pretty this year. And I am not very happy about it either. 

The Hubby and I have been trying to do a little bit of research to see what we can do to try and maintain it. We have even discussed some different landscaping options, which have included tearing up the grass and putting in rock, which was his idea. I threw a fit and said no. I like having the grass. We also talked about taking out parts of the grass and filling it in with rock around it just so that we wouldn't have to water as much. Something kind of like this...

And my big beautiful back yard is going to have to have something done to it as well. We already have a huge deck off the back of the house, but we are thinking that we may have to put in a patio made with pavers or something so that we are taking a good part of the yard out so that we don't have to water as much. We were thinking something that looks similar to this...

At least with this we could have space for more seating or even a fire pit! That could be kind of cool! Although a fire pit during a drought might not be the best idea, haha! 

The thing that sucks about wanting to do all of this stuff to is that we have to go through our HOA. We have to submit in writing everything that we are wanting to do. Which I hate. It's my damn house! I should be able to do whatever I want with it! But that's a whole other rant, I won't put you guys through that today. 

Have any of you ever had to deal with a situation like this? What did you do? Do you have an recommendations for us?

That's all I've got for you guys today. Don't forget to come back tomorrow to link up with K and myself for Bringing Sexy Back! Get those measurements ready!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Voice & Bringing Sexy Back

Was anyone else as excited as I was last night that The Voice was back?!! 

This show is seriously soooo much better than any other singing show on TV. Well, in my opinion anyways. I  LOVE the coaches and the banter that goes on between them. They are hilarious! I am always laughing watching this show.

And I love that everyone that tries out is ridiculously good. And they don't try to make people a joke with their auditions like American Idol sometimes does. Don't get me wrong, I used to watch American Idol and I laughed at those auditions too, but after a while it just got old and I started to feel bad for the people that they were blatantly making fun of. This show doesn't do that. 

And for the record, I am definitely a Team Blake girl! Love him! 

I definitely can't wait for tonight's episode. I can't wait to see what other talent is out there. So far I have a few people that I like, but nobody has absolutely stood out to me yet. Last season, Cassadee was a standout from the beginning. I was a fan from her first audition. I haven't felt that yet. Good thing there are still lots of blind auditions to go!

Okay, switching gears now, I wanted to tell you guys about a new link up that K and myself are going to be doing on Thursdays. 

We're bringing sexy back!!! Any Justin Timberlake fans out there? 

K and I have been talking about doing a fitness link up for a while and were trying to figure out an awesome name for it. Well K is freaking brilliant and came up with Bringing Sexy Back! 

We wanted to do this to first of all hold ourselves accountable with our goals but also to help others. They always say that you do better with life changes when you have other people supporting you along the way. So that's what this is for. We are here to support each other in trying to become healthier versions of ourselves. 

We will be here to share our losses, whether that be in lbs or inches, as well as favorite workouts and recipes. Or even your favorite songs to listen to while you are working out. This link up can really be anything that we want it to be. 

So if you are interested in linking up with us on Thursdays, get those measurements ready. You will need;

-Your Weight
-Arm Measurement
-Thigh Measurement
-Waist Measurement

You can always do more measurements if you want to. That is entirely up to you. We would also like to know what your goal is. And what do you want from this? Your ideal weight? How do you want to feel? Do you have a specific clothing item that you want to fit into? Or do you have a specific event in mind for reaching your goal? We want to know anything like this. 

We really want to understand what you guys want from this so that we can support you in anyway. And don't forget, we are going to be working just as hard on what we would like to accomplish. So you really are not alone. We can all do this together!

So don't forget to come back on Thursday to link up for Bringing Sexy Back! And tell all of your friends to link up! And try to go and read everyone's post that link up! After all, we are all in this together and the more support we can give each other, the better!

Okay, that's all I have for today guys! I hope you come back on Thursday and join myself and K for this awesome link up! Have a great day everyone!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Recap

Well Monday is here once again. I could have used another day off though. My weekend was not long enough. I am sure most of you are feeling this way this morning too. 

Friday I left work a little bit early and headed down to my Brothers house. I hung out with my SIL and my Nieces while I waited for my Brother to get home from work. Once he was home, he replaced the brakes on my car, fixed my drivers side door and adjusted my emergency brake. He also found a few other things wrong with my car, which sucks because I have to spend more money, but it needs to be taken care of. I am very lucky to have such an amazing Brother that will fix my car for me. 

Saturday morning I woke up to find that it was freezing ass cold outside. And it was snowing. So of course instead of staying home, I decided to head out to a couple of thrift stores just to see what I could find. I was looking for a mirror for a project, but didn't find quite what I was looking for. I did however find a bunch of Easter stuff. And only managed to spend $13 on all of it. I love a good deal. 

Saturday night I went downtown to this Irish Pub called Jack Quinn's to watch the Rapids game with my friend. Unfortunately they lost again, but once again it could have been completely avoided. Which sucks! They ended up playing almost the entire second half down a guy because one of the players got a red card which led to the one goal that the other team did score. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. 

Sunday we got up and headed to church for Palm Sunday. Once we were done at Church, we headed to the grocery store to do a little shopping. As soon as we were done there we headed home where I proceeded to sit on my butt for the rest of the day. I finished watching the seventh and final season of Gilmore Girls for the zillionth time. And even though I know how the series ends, I still get mad every time I watch it because I wish they would have done a better job with wrapping everything up. I want more closure. Or at least a movie to wrap everything up!

I also decided that I needed to get caught up on Glee. I didn't realize that there had already been 17 episodes this season. I had already watched the last two, so I decided it was time to watch the rest of the season. But of course the only way that I could do that would be to get Hulu+. So we are doing the free trial for a week and then we are going to decide if it is worth the $8 a month. I think it will be. It's kind of like having a built in DVR that you don't have to set up. And so if I miss something because we already have other shows recording, I can go back and watch it later. I will tell you though that it really pisses me off that you are paying to watch TV and you still have to sit through ads. Really? It is super annoying. Ugh!

Okay, I am done ranting, haha! We had a pretty low key weekend. It was fun. I wish it would have been warmer though. It would have been nice to get out of the house and do something. I hope that you all had a great weekend and that it was much warmer where you were. Have a great day everyone!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday's Letters

It's Friday! I can't believe how fast this week flew by! But I am definitely okay with that. How about some Friday's Letters to celebrate!


Dear Fingers,
Why are you having such issues typing this morning? Seriously! Get your shiz together! You still have a whole day of typing before you can quit working. Sheesh!

Dear Brother,
Have I told you lately that you are the best Brother in the world? No? Well I should! Thank you so much for fixing my brakes for me. You are the bestest and I love you!

Dear Mr. Timberlake,
Your new album is amazeballs!! I can't quit listening! Now if only you would come to CO for one of your tour stops. Work on that please!

Dear Spring,
Would you please actually show yourself? This whole game you are playing of acting like Winter is getting old real quick. Get your shiz together!

Dear Weekend,
Please go really slow!!!! Like super slow! I want to enjoy my two days off and if you go quickly then I have to go back to work. And then I don't appreciate it. So move at a snail's pace please!

Dear Office,
You are actually starting to feel like an office. And I must say that I love that you are finally organized. I can sleep at night now and not have major OCD because stuff is everywhere. I appreciate your cooperation. 

Okay, that's all I've got. I am having a hard enough time typing this morning let alone actually being able to think. My brain is ready for the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Salt Lake City Day 3

Our last day in Salt Lake City was on Sunday. It was probably the most uneventful. 

We got up around 7:30 and just kind of lounged around for a while until we decided to go grab some Starbucks for breakfast. Once we got back with our drinks and food, we packed up all of our stuff and got on the road. 

The trip back was pretty uneventful, but super windy and full of freak blizzards that would come out of no where and then disappear a few minutes later!!! That's Wyoming for you though I guess.  We did have a few moments on the road that were pretty hilarious, but usually stemmed from someone cutting us off. Take for instance this semi that cut us off. We weren't very happy with him. So what did we do? We threw pecans at him as we passed him. It was decided though that if this was something that would become a trend with us, that we should probably find a less expensive nut to throw. 

Once we got back into Colorado, we stopped at a gas station in this small town off of the interstate. It seemed to be a pretty routine bathroom/fill up with gas stop, until I saw these!!!

How bad ass is this Pez dispenser? I have never ever seen an R2, so I had to buy one for the Star Wars freak that is my Husband and also one for our friend Pelka who is also a huge Star Wars person. 

After our pit stop we got back on the road and before we knew it, we were in Denver. I don't remember the last time I was so excited to see the Denver skyline. I was just so excited to get home and see my Husband and our fur babies. I really did miss them!

About an hour later, we arrived at home. It had been a long day of traveling through wind and some crazy snow. But we were finally home and could spend what was left of our weekend trying to unwind from the trip before we had to return to work the next day. 

Honestly, this trip with my friends was the most fun I have had in a long time. I definitely needed it. We had a blast and really hope that we can do it again sometime in the near future. I have some pretty incredible friends and they made this trip so much fun. I am lucky to have such amazing people in my life. 


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Salt Lake City Day 2

Day 2 of our Salt Lake City trip started out with this beautiful view from our hotel room. 

Once we had eaten breakfast and had gotten ourselves ready for the day, we decided to head back over to City Creek Center to kill some time before we had to leave for the Rapids game. 

We walked around and looked at all of the shops. I saw Tiffany & Co for the first time ever! We also went into this fun game store that had a zillion different versions of Monopoly. We also went to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I had a deliciously yummy apple streusel cheesecake. 

While we were at The Cheesecake Factory I checked my Facebook and saw that an old friend from College commented on a picture that I posted of SLC. Well, come to find out, he lived in SLC, so we decided to meet up for some coffee since we still had a little bit of time to kill. So we walked to Starbucks and chatted for about half an hour just catching up. It was great to see him considering that I hadn't seen him since freshman year. 

Around 2:30 we headed out to Rio Tinto Stadium for the game. It is actually in Sandy, UT which is like 20 minutes south of the downtown SLC area. On our drive down, I was finally able to see the mountains. They were very pretty.

We arrived at the stadium, found parking and then headed up to will call to get our tickets. Well, along the way to will call we had a very interesting experience. One that I don't ever want to repeat. 

Let me paint this scene for you. As we were walking around the stadium to will call a large group of Salt Lake supporters were heading our direction. They were dressed in all black and carrying flags with skulls and crossbones on them and were marching up this hill to the stadium. They were walking straight towards where we were. At this point someone passed us and said "You guys might want to wait a few minutes." Well, I didn't realize this at the time, but I was the only person who heard him. My other two friends didn't hear him and they just kept walking, so I did too. 

We ended up walking right next to them on the sidewalk. It took them a few minutes to realize that we were there, but once they did it was all over from there. We were called every name under the sun. Any insult that you could throw at someone that involved the F*** word, we were called it. And they just kept yelling at us.   ***WARNING!!! I am about to get a little graphic with my descriptions*** At one point they even told us that we looked like dried period blood because of the burgundy colors that we were wearing in support of the Rapids. I even saw one guy pointing at us and telling his two young kids "We hate those people! Those are the people we hate because they are for the other team." 

It was seriously that bad. I honestly think they were more pissed off that they weren't getting a rise out of us than anything. And they kept up this yelling and screaming until we reached the front of the stadium where will call was.  So we quickly got into the will call line to get away from them where we were greeted by a stadium employee who actually apologized to us for the behavior of their fans. Which was very refreshing considering what had just happened. 

We got our tickets and made our way into the stadium where we had another fan approach us and apologize again for the way that group of people treated us. Again, we really appreciated this and soon realized that not all of their fans were jack asses. We made our way to our seats and waited for the game to start. Soon after we got to our seats, our group of supporters that had taken a bus from Denver the night before to come to the game, were escorted in to the section next to us. And for the entire game, we had probably 6-8 security guards up in the section with us. Apparently they have had issues in the past with the different teams fans getting in fights, so they try to prevent it all together now by putting the opposing teams supporters all in one area and keeping a close eye on them and making sure none of the home team fans come up into that section. 

The game was really fun to watch. The Rapids played really well and were ahead by one goal for most of the game, until the other team tied it up. The game ended in a tie. Which is better than a loss, but would have been better if they would have won. 

After the game we went to Target to pick up a few things and then decided to go to dinner at Ruby River Steakhouse. We found it to be the equivalent to Outback Steakhouse. But the food was really good. Once we finished dinner, we headed back to our hotel where we drank wine and played card games the rest of the night. My friends taught me how to play Continental Rummy,which was a lot of fun, but I lost horribly. 

Overall, it was a fun day. Even with the whole getting yelled at thing. 

Come back tomorrow for the final recap of our SLC trip. That one won't be nearly as long as this one. But it's worth sharing. If you missed the first day recap, you can read that here

Have a great day everyone!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Salt Lake City Day 1

On Friday morning, I got up bright and early to make sure that I was ready to go. One of my friends picked me up and then we headed over to our other friends house, where we were leaving from. We left for Salt Lake City around 8:30 am.

Upon getting in the car, my friends handed me a clip board. On the clip board were a few things. First, a description of every passengers duties. And then of course there were some fun travel games. We had the letter game, the license plate game and of course we made up some of our own games. 

I was the back seat passenger. So my duties included trash collection, games and getting everyone food. 
 I won the letter game with a come behind victory. It was a true Cinderella story. And we saw well over half of the state license plates, with a few bonus plates from Canada and Mexico. 

We made a few stops along the way. Our first stop was in Laramie, WY where as we drove into town, there  were two men measuring the street with a tape measure. It was quite the scene. We also stopped somewhere in between Laramie and Rock Springs, WY because the transmission on the car was getting a little hot. Between the wind and the passes we were going over, the car was having to work extra hard, so we pulled over to let it cool off for a few minutes. 

After the small pit stop, we were back on the road towards Rock Springs, WY. We stopped there for gas and then made our way to Salt Lake City. Once we were in Salt Lake City, we went straight to the downtown area to find our Hotel. 

We stayed at the Shilo Inn which is haunted. This is one of the reason's my friends picked this particular hotel. And we were told by more than one person who actually lives in Salt Lake City that it was haunted. In 1978, a lady decided that her life was no longer worth living and threw her kids and herself off of one of the balconies on the 11th floor. Only one of the kids survived. So now the kids and the Mom haunt the hotel. 

A few weird things did happen while we were there, but we never heard the laughter of kids like most of the stories say you do. I don't think we were there long enough though. We were constantly on the go. 

Once we were settled into our hotel, we headed out to get some dinner. We decide on Red Rock Brewery. It was really good. And for a Friday night, it wasn't all that busy, so that was nice. I had a fired mushroom pizza. It was really good!

After dinner we decided to walk around a bit more, which was nice since we had been in a car for nine hours already that day. We came across these signs and flags all around downtown. We thought they were hilarious. And of course made fun of and joked about them the entire trip. We even contemplated stealing one of the flags and bringing it back home with us, but later decided that we didn't really have any use for it. 

After wondering around for a little bit and finding a Starbucks, we started searching for a liquor store so that we could buy a cork screw to open the wine that we brought with us. We thought finding a liquor store in Salt Lake City was going to be difficult, but there was actually one a few blocks down from our hotel. The funny part though is that they can sell you the alcohol, but they can't sell you anything to open it with.

But the lady at the liquor store did tell us that most of the hotel gift shops sell cork screws because they know that the liquor stores can't sell them. So we found a gift shop at the Hilton Hotel that was right across from ours and luckily they had one. Good thing, because if not we were going to have to take our bottles of wine down to the bar that was in the hotel and ask them to open them. And we weren't about to do that. 

A little later in the night we met up with another friend of ours and walked around town a little bit more. We went to City Creek Center, which is an outdoor mall. It was really pretty all lit up. And then we walked over to see the Temple all lit up. 

After that we headed back to our hotel and played a few card games that we tried to turn into drinking games. It worked until we ran out of wine. Damn! We went to bed shortly after this. 

Overall it was a great first day. We got to see a lot of the city and we had a lot of fun. Come back tomorrow to hear about our second day in Salt Lake City. It was definitely the most eventful day of our trip. Have a great day everyone!


Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm Back!!

Hey everyone!! I hope that everyone had an amazing weekend! I know that mine was fun, exciting and interesting all rolled into one. 

Anywho, I just wanted to stop in and let you all know that I am back from my trip to Salt Lake City. And it didn't disappoint. And although I didn't take a ton of pictures, I did take some and I plan on trying to get some recap posts up of the trip. 

I definitely have a few fun stories for you. 

Also, I have hopped on the Bloglovin' band wagon too. So if you are using Bloglovin' instead of Google Reader now, I would appreciate the follow. I have a button to follow along on my side bar------>

Or you can click this link...

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

That's all I've got for today. Check back tomorrow for a post on my trip. Have a great day everyone!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Letters

It's Friday! Which means I am on my way to Salt Lake City for a fun filled weekend of friends, adventures and soccer. It also means that it's time for Friday's Letters. 


Dear Friday,
You are finally here! I thought you would never get here. Tell those other days of the week to speed up next time, will ya?

Dear Dental Hygienist,
Of course my gums are inflamed and irritated. What do you expect after you are in there digging and poking around for 30 minutes? Geeze!

Dear Self,
You deserve a prize or something. I mean your last two check ups at the Dentist have resulted in no cavities!! That's a big deal. That means a year of no cavities. I am pretty damn proud of you right now. But don't slack off. Let's keep it that way.

Dear Self again,
I am very proud of you for sticking with the healthy eating and exercising. Because of your hard work, you are now down 10 lbs!!!! You have finally reached double digits. You are no where near where you want to be, but guess what? You are heading in the right direction. Keep it up!

Dear Followers,
You guys are seriously amazing. I can't believe I am only 3 away from being at 150. Please stop by in the comments and introduce yourself. I love finding out who my readers are and reading your blogs too!

Dear Salt Lake City,
Please be kind to us. I know we are kind of walking into the lion's den considering that we are going to  route for the opposing team, but you don't have to be a B**** about it.

Dear Family and Friends of Matt and Kristen,
I find it hilarious that you are all in consensus that it is a good idea that I am going on this road trip with Matt and Kristen. Apparently, according to all of you, we will stay out of trouble, we won't get lost, and I will make sure that we all come back in one piece. I appreciate the confidence you have in me. But, I am pretty sure that some type of insanity will ensue at some point. Why? Because it always does with us three.

Dear Follwers again,
K and I are thinking about starting a fitness link up on Thursdays. We are wanting to hold ourselves accountable for our eating and exercising. We would love to get some feedback on how many people we might have linking up. And also, we are trying to come up with a catchy name for it. Any suggestions?

Dear Miss Kloe,
Happy Birthday sweet girl! I can't believe that you are three years old already. I hope you have a great day at the zoo with your family. I love you lots and I am sorry that I am missing your Birthday.

Okay, that's all I've got for today. I hope that everyone has an amazing weekend! I can't wait to come back and give you guys a recap of my trip. I hope you have some fun things planned as well!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random Thoughts On Thursday

**I have been seeing all of the news about Google Reader going bye bye, and even though I don't personally use it, I know that many of you do. And I would hate to lose my amazing readers because of something like this. So I have (or at least I am trying to) created an account on Bloglovin. Hopefully I can get that working.**

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I have too much swirling around in my head to be able to write a post on just one topic, so today I give you all of my random thoughts. 

First things first, whoever came up with Justin Timberweek on Jimmy Fallon is a freaking genius! Justin Timberlake performing every night? Yes please! And not to mention his new album comes out next Tuesday. I am so excited!

Now this next random thing is very upsetting to some of you, but it is a pretty exciting thing for us Broncos fans. Welcome to Denver Wes Welker! And K, I really am sorry that this happened. I know how you feel girl and I promise it will get easier!

Hello handsome!
Random thing number 3, Mark Paul Gosselaar is still freaking gorgeous! A photo was floating around the interweb yesterday of MPG and Breckin Meyer filming a surf scene for the upcoming season of Franklin &  
Bash, which I am super excited for. That show is hilarious. But anyways, holy freaking crap, does he still have it! Take a look for yourself.

And for my last random thought, this day needs to go by super fast! I leave for Salt Lake City tomorrow and I am having a hard time containing my excitement. Which of course means that this entire week has moved at snail speed. So day, hurry up and be done already! 

Okay guys, that's all I've got. If I don't get a post up tomorrow, I hope that you all have a great weekend!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Ropes

In my quest to become a healthier version of me, I have started trying new things. And one thing I have always wanted to try was this rope exercise that they do on the Biggest Loser all the time. So Monday, I finally did it. 

And let me just say that it is not as easy as it looks. Those ropes are freaking heavy. I did this three times for 30 seconds each time. And by the end of my set of three, my arms were killing me. I could barely lift them after that. It was like having noodles for arms. 

But guess what? I want to do it again. And again. And again. I want to be able to go for longer periods of time. And I want my arms to not feel like jello after only 30 seconds. 

I will get there. I am determined! It's amazing how changing the way that you eat and exercising changes your mind set about what you can do. 

Have any of you ever done this exercise? What did you think of it?


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We Need a Bigger Bed

It's amazing how cranky I am when I don't get much sleep. I know you guys must think that I am full of sunshine and rainbows on a daily basis, but occasionally I am a grouch. And this morning and most of last night, I definitely proved that. My Husband thought I was just being hilarious, which was evident when he laughed at me every time I was complaining, but in reality I really was cranky.

My crankiness all comes down to one thing, we need a bigger bed at home. Have I lost you yet? Because if I was reading this post, I would be so confused.

Let's just put it this way, two cats, a dog and a Husband all in a full size bed just isn't cutting it. Let's take last night for instance. I had two cats laying on top of my feet at the end of the bed. I had a dog wedged in between the Husband and myself. Oh and add on top of that a Husband who takes all of the covers away using what I have come to call the tuck and roll move, you have a very cold and angry Megan who isn't getting any sleep! 

Via Google Image Search
This is how I feel every night!
And then of course, I had to get up and go to the bathroom. And when I came back, the cats had sprawled out even more, making it to where I couldn't even get my feet back under them. And Louie(the dog) had moved and decided to curl up on my spot. There was no room for me! And of course, the Husband was just laying there snoring away. Ugh!!!

Via Google Image Search

So you see, this is why we need a bigger bed! I can't take it anymore. I am so tired of not having a place to sleep. And not having covers. 

So yes, not having a bigger bed has made me very cranky this morning. Hopefully I will get some sleep tonight and will be back to sunshine and rainbows tomorrow. Hopefully being the key word. 


Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

Hello my lovely readers! Sorry I am a bit behind today. I woke up with the headache from hell this morning, which meant I didn't come into work until 9, so I am a little behind on everything today. So let's get this weekend recap started, shall we?

My weekend started off pretty great. Especially with the awesome lunch that I had on Friday. The Hubby and I decided to meet for lunch since my staff lunch had been cancelled. So I decided to invite along our friend Pelka, who hadn't seen the Husband in a while(we all used to work in the same place, but the Hubby got a new job last year, so they don't see each other as much). And the Hubby brought along his co worker and best friend Bret. It was a really fun and delicious lunch at Il Vicino with three of my favorite guys!

From left, Pelka, Bret and the Hubby

Friday night after leaving work, I headed home to make dinner. We made a delicious fish dinner and watched a little bit of TV before heading out to meet up with our friends Megan and Brandon to see "Oz The Great and Powerful". I have been dying to see this movie. I am a huge Wizard of Oz fan, so from the first time I saw this preview, I knew it was a must see. 

And it didn't disappoint! It was a great movie! The colors in it were unreal. And the story was great. And it was funny. Not to mention that James Franco was not bad to look at either. It was just all around a great movie! It is definitely going on the must buy list.

Saturday we pretty much did nothing. We were supposed to be getting a pretty good snow storm, so we hunkered down for most of the day and just watched TV. Well, the snow storm was not nearly as bad as they said it was going to be, so we decided to head out for dinner. We went to Noodles & Co. for dinner and then stopped at Starbucks for a hot beverage and a cookie before heading home. 

Once we were home, it became a waiting game for me. I like most people my age, love Saturday Night Live. So when I found out a few weeks ago that Justin Timberlake was going to be the host and the musical guest, I reverted to my 12 year old self and proceeded to freak the eff out. I was so excited. 

Some of you, if you follow me on Twitter, probably saw my ridiculous amounts of tweets Saturday night during the show. I was that excited. And it was one of my favorite episodes ever. Justin was amazing!!!!!(As always!) And the skits had me laughing the whole time. BEST SNL EVER!!!

Sunday was actually kind of busy for us. We had lots of errands to run. After getting up at 10:30, we got ready for the day. We met our friend Bret for lunch at Qdoba and then went to Costco. After Costco, we took Bret to King Soopers to teach him about grocery shopping. Bret is what you would call a bachelor and usually only ever eats out. So we felt it was time to show him how to buy actual groceries to make some real meals. It was a fun outing. Very educational for some involved, haha!

After all of our errands were done, we headed home and made some dinner and watched some more TV. It was a relaxing and busy weekend all rolled into one. But we had a lot of fun too. I hope that you all had a great weekend too! 
