Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Letters

It's Friday! Which means I am on my way to Salt Lake City for a fun filled weekend of friends, adventures and soccer. It also means that it's time for Friday's Letters. 


Dear Friday,
You are finally here! I thought you would never get here. Tell those other days of the week to speed up next time, will ya?

Dear Dental Hygienist,
Of course my gums are inflamed and irritated. What do you expect after you are in there digging and poking around for 30 minutes? Geeze!

Dear Self,
You deserve a prize or something. I mean your last two check ups at the Dentist have resulted in no cavities!! That's a big deal. That means a year of no cavities. I am pretty damn proud of you right now. But don't slack off. Let's keep it that way.

Dear Self again,
I am very proud of you for sticking with the healthy eating and exercising. Because of your hard work, you are now down 10 lbs!!!! You have finally reached double digits. You are no where near where you want to be, but guess what? You are heading in the right direction. Keep it up!

Dear Followers,
You guys are seriously amazing. I can't believe I am only 3 away from being at 150. Please stop by in the comments and introduce yourself. I love finding out who my readers are and reading your blogs too!

Dear Salt Lake City,
Please be kind to us. I know we are kind of walking into the lion's den considering that we are going to  route for the opposing team, but you don't have to be a B**** about it.

Dear Family and Friends of Matt and Kristen,
I find it hilarious that you are all in consensus that it is a good idea that I am going on this road trip with Matt and Kristen. Apparently, according to all of you, we will stay out of trouble, we won't get lost, and I will make sure that we all come back in one piece. I appreciate the confidence you have in me. But, I am pretty sure that some type of insanity will ensue at some point. Why? Because it always does with us three.

Dear Follwers again,
K and I are thinking about starting a fitness link up on Thursdays. We are wanting to hold ourselves accountable for our eating and exercising. We would love to get some feedback on how many people we might have linking up. And also, we are trying to come up with a catchy name for it. Any suggestions?

Dear Miss Kloe,
Happy Birthday sweet girl! I can't believe that you are three years old already. I hope you have a great day at the zoo with your family. I love you lots and I am sorry that I am missing your Birthday.

Okay, that's all I've got for today. I hope that everyone has an amazing weekend! I can't wait to come back and give you guys a recap of my trip. I hope you have some fun things planned as well!



  1. Happy Friday!! Hope you have a safe trip to SLC! It's such a fun city! And CONGRATULATIONS on no cavities!! Cavities are the bane of my existence, I swear. I would totally be up for a fitness link up!! Such a great idea to encourage and motivate one another!

  2. Way to go on the no cavities! That's awesome.


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