Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random Thoughts On Thursday

**I have been seeing all of the news about Google Reader going bye bye, and even though I don't personally use it, I know that many of you do. And I would hate to lose my amazing readers because of something like this. So I have (or at least I am trying to) created an account on Bloglovin. Hopefully I can get that working.**

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I have too much swirling around in my head to be able to write a post on just one topic, so today I give you all of my random thoughts. 

First things first, whoever came up with Justin Timberweek on Jimmy Fallon is a freaking genius! Justin Timberlake performing every night? Yes please! And not to mention his new album comes out next Tuesday. I am so excited!

Now this next random thing is very upsetting to some of you, but it is a pretty exciting thing for us Broncos fans. Welcome to Denver Wes Welker! And K, I really am sorry that this happened. I know how you feel girl and I promise it will get easier!

Hello handsome!
Random thing number 3, Mark Paul Gosselaar is still freaking gorgeous! A photo was floating around the interweb yesterday of MPG and Breckin Meyer filming a surf scene for the upcoming season of Franklin &  
Bash, which I am super excited for. That show is hilarious. But anyways, holy freaking crap, does he still have it! Take a look for yourself.

And for my last random thought, this day needs to go by super fast! I leave for Salt Lake City tomorrow and I am having a hard time containing my excitement. Which of course means that this entire week has moved at snail speed. So day, hurry up and be done already! 

Okay guys, that's all I've got. If I don't get a post up tomorrow, I hope that you all have a great weekend!



  1. If you knew how hard this was, you wouldn't have posted anything about it. I'm going to go cry under my desk now. Hahaha

  2. My wonderful fiance keeps reminding me about Wes Welker. I'm sorry K!!!!

    And the Justin Timberweek is pretty great too :)

    Have fun in Salt Lake :)


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