Hello everyone! Welcome to the most craptastic day of the week, Monday!!
This weekend was once again jam packed! It was go-go-go from the beginning. Friday night I picked up the Husband and we headed home for a few minutes. When we got home we had three packages sitting on our porch! They were essentially all for me. One was our Christmas cards! Eeek! One was part of my Birthday present from the Husband and the other one was my Husband's Christmas gifts! So really, they were all for me. I got to open all of them, haha! I love getting mail.
After I opened all of the fun stuff, I headed to the gym and worked my butt off on the treadmill. I did 45 minutes of interval running. 45 minutes!!! That is a new personal best for me! Whoop whoop! I was so gross and sweaty by the time I was done. It was disgusting, but worth it!
After the gym I headed over to Wal-Mart to pick up the Kitty Christmas cards that I made for a friend of ours. I will have to share those with you when I show you our other card too! But that was pretty much it for Friday night.
Saturday I got up way earlier than I would have liked to, but I needed to be at the fabric store when they opened at 8. So I got there at 8, which is a great time to go because no one is there and I didn't have to wait in line to get my fabric cut. Score! And then I headed home to drop everything off and then headed to the gym for Zumba.
After Zumba I headed home and got a shower and got ready. The Husband dropped me of at KB's place around 1:30 where I met up with KB and a few other friends so that we could head downtown to watch the MLS Cup Championship. We were routing for Kansas City because we hate Salt Lake City. It was a crazy game, but Kansas City did end up winning in the end. And it was fun just hanging out with everyone and catching up.
After the game we all headed home. The Husband and I ordered Chinese food and watched Wreck-It-Ralph. What a cute movie. So much creativity. I really liked it. I also got to work on our Christmas cards. But other than that, it was a pretty laid back night.
Sunday was spent running around as well. We got up and got ready and then went to pick up my Nieces. My oldest Niece, MaKenzi turned 7 on Saturday. She is getting so big. But we promised her we would take her shopping for her Birthday present, so we picked all of them up and headed to Toys R' Us. I don't know who was more excited to go there, my Nieces or my Husband.
My Nieces and I roamed about for a while looking for the perfect things to buy. Once MaKenzi had everything picked out that was within her budget, we had to track down my Husband so that we could go check out. At this point, he was looking at all of the playing cards and we had a hard time pulling him away. When we finally did get him away from them, MaKenzi told him that he was just like a child. I died. I was laughing so hard. Best part of my day right there!
After the shopping trip, we headed back to their house and dropped them off and then did our grocery shopping. Then we headed home and watched some football and did some more Christmas decorating for the rest of the day. It was fun taking my Nieces out shopping. I just love listening to them talk. I swear they grow more and more each time I see them.
It was a fun weekend. And I am glad we got to spend some time with our friends and family. And I am glad that Salt Lake City lost! Suckers! Haha!
Now, Thursday just needs to get here, because it is only one of the best days of the year. My Birthday!!!! Whoop whoop! Can't wait!
Hope you guys had a great weekend!
Happy Birthday Week!