Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

Hey guys! It's time for Weigh-In Wednesday. Let's get to it!

This week's post is going to be kind of short. Short, sweet and to the point!

I did a pretty good job of accomplishing my goals from last week. I was at the gym six days again last week. And I am still going strong on tracking my food in My Fitness Pal. The only one that I didn't do quite as well on was the whole drinking more water thing. But I did just download an app that is supposed to help me with that. So hopefully that will help me remember to drink more.

Okay, down to my actual weight for the week. As of this morning I am officially down to the lowest weight that I hit this past summer. I am down to 209.2! That is a 2.6 lb difference from last week. So almost three lbs a week.

I had a session with my trainer on Monday and since my weight loss has slowed just a little, he suggested that I try cutting my calories down from 1700 a day to 1600 and see if that helps at all. This shouldn't be too difficult. Most days I don't even hit 1700 calories, so I am definitely going to try it.

My goals for this week are to keep up all my current habits, which include going to the gym, tracking my food and to drink more water! But the one thing I want to accomplish more than anything is to not over eat on my Birthday and to stay away from the sweets. Gasp! I know! No cake on my Birthday? I know it seems kind of ridiculous, but honestly cake doesn't even sound good. I have not been craving sweets like I used to. I would much rather have something else that isn't as bad for me.

Sorry this post is so short. I haven't had a lot of time to blog this week. Work has been crazy and to add to that, I am in Human Resources seminars the next two days, which made my two days in the office even more hectic.

I hope you guys have a great day. And thanks for stopping by and checking on my progress!



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