Thursday, September 12, 2013

Guest Posts Wanted!

Yay! It's Thursday! Which means only one more day until the weekend. AND it also means that I leave for Hawaii in a week!! A week everyone! 

With that being said, I am looking for a few bloggers to guest post while I am away. I am looking for three to five bloggers. And since the first day of Fall is on the 23rd and my guest posts will start going up on the 24th, I thought it would be a fun idea to have my guests write about what they love about Fall.

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year, next to Christmas of course, so I think it will be a lot of fun to see what everyone else likes about this time of year. 

If you are interested in guest posting for me while I am gone, either reply to this post or you can email me at for more details. 

Thanks in advance to those that are going to guest post. I really appreciate it and can't wait to see what you are going to write!



  1. Hawaii? Sooo jealous! I'd love to do a guest post for you. I need to get back into the fall spirit. It was 95 degrees yesterday! Gross :)

  2. Love Hawaii! Which island are you going to? We were in Maui in May! Love it!

    I would love to do a guest post for you!

  3. Take me to hawaii with you!! I'd volunteer to help post, but I can't even get material for my own blog up in a timely fashion! I'll spread the word though :)

  4. Visit for the guest post.


Comments are way rad and totally make my day. I love reading each and everyone one of them :)