Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was once again jam packed with fun and lots of running around. 

Friday night I left work a few minutes early, picked up the Husband and then we headed down to my Niece's Fall Carnival. It was super crowded with lots of families and their kids, but my Nieces had an absolute blast in all of the bounce houses and slides that were set up every where. It was fun to watch them playing and having so much fun. 

After the Fall Carnival, the Husband and I headed to Larkburger to get some food. I had never eaten there before but always wanted to try it. And I wasn't disappointed. It was very yummy!

After dinner we headed home and sat around the rest of the night while watching TV and playing video games. 

Saturday morning I got up and got ready for the day and then headed out to run some errands. With my trip to Hawaii only being a few days away, I needed to go get a few essentials. So of course I went to Target. I swear I live there anymore. I got some shampoo, conditioner and other things of that nature. After that I went and got my eyebrows waxed, grabbed some Subway for lunch and then headed home. 

Once I got home and ate, we headed out to run a few more errands. Our first stop was ULTA where we spent way too much money. But in our defense we really did need some of the stuff. While we were there I finally broke down and bought my first two bottles of Essie nail polish. Gasp! I know, I know. I am not big on buying expensive nail polish. I am kind of a cheap skate when it comes to that stuff. But  honestly after painting my nails with this stuff, I understand why people spend $8 a bottle on it. It goes on so smoothly and dries so damn quickly!! 

After ULTA and a few other stops we headed home and vegged out for the rest of the night. I spent most of my evening organizing my box of nail polish. Good grief I didn't realize how much I had. I threw out a bunch of old stuff and then neatly organized everything else. 

Sunday was again very busy. I got up and did our grocery shopping for the week. Then we headed up to Aurora to go see the Hubby's parents for a little bit. We had lunch with them and then we headed over to my Aunt and Uncle's house so that my Aunt could do my hair. It had been five months since I did anything to it and it needed to be cut and colored again so bad! My Aunt did a kick ass job as usual! Here are some pretty awful before and after pics. I forgot to get pictures of it down so you could really see the color. Oops!

After I was done with my hair, we had dinner with my Aunt and Uncle and then we headed back home. It was once again a busy weekend, but we had fun and got a lot of stuff done. Which is good because I have so much stuff to do this week before I leave on Friday that it would have been impossible to get everything done before I leave. 

I hope you guys had a great weekend. And before I leave you for the day, a few little announcements/reminders. 

Don't forget to sign up for the Fall Swap that K, Laura, Britt and myself are hosting! You can find everything you need to know about the swap right here!

Also, I am still in need of a few guest posts for while I am gone. If you are interested, please let me know. And remember, the topic is what you love about Fall!

Thanks in advance everyone and I hope to see you signed up for our Fall swap!



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