Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday

Happy Hump Day everyone! It's time for my weekly Weigh-In Wednesday post!

I am so excited to report that I actually had a great week! I have felt so great about all of the decisions that I made this past week. I mean I went to Chick-Fil-A and got grilled chicken nuggets and fruit for lunch one day. Usually if I would go there I would just get breaded chicken nuggets, fries and ranch to dip them in. So the fact that I did such a great job at getting something that was a million times healthier for me was a big win for me!

I have also been tracking and logging my food in My Fitness Pal every day! This has helped a lot! It really makes me look at what I am eating. And if I go over by a few calories, and I mean less than 50 over, I am not getting mad at myself. I know that it is going to happen occasionally, so I am trying to not let it affect how I feel about how well I am doing. 

As far as my food goes this week, I haven't really been able to eat a whole lot. Like I said yesterday in my post, I had oral surgery on Monday so I have been having to eat a lot of soft foods like mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soups and applesauce. And not only that but I haven't really had much of an appetite because of my mouth hurting, so it has kind of been a blessing in disguise, haha!  

Okay, let's get down to the numbers. When I stepped on the scale this morning, I weighed the exact same as last week. Which is really frustrating because I have been down all week long until today when I jumped back up. And although I haven't been able to work out, I have barely been able to eat, so it really doesn't make any sense! Oh well! I am not going to let this get me down. I have made some great progress this week with some of my habits and even though the scale isn't showing progress, I am going to hold my head high and be proud of what I have accomplished!


1 comment:

  1. Love that quote! least you maintained, and making small little choices like you did at chick-fil-a will all add up to a lot over time! Good for you!

    PS Hope you are feeling better..that tooth situation doesn't sound fun at all!


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