Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Blog Name

Hey guys!!! Just wanted to let you know real quick about a few changes that are coming to this blog.

Well, the first one has already happened! I have a new name. Elliott Wife, Elliott Life is now the new name for this blog! 

Some might be wondering why I changed it. Some may not care. But either way, I am going to tell you!! I felt like the name wasn't very representative of the blog anymore. Even though the name had a lot of sentiment behind it for me, I felt that it was time for a change. So that is where I am at right now. 

You might also be wondering what else I am changing. Well if you look above, you can obviously see that my header still has the old blog name, so I am currently working with Tiana from The Blog Decorator on a new look. I am not sure when it will be up, but trust me, I will let you know when it is done. 

So, that's what is going on. Thanks everyone for all of your input on the blog name and thanks for continuing to read my blog. I appreciate it so much! I love all of you and I hope you stick around during these changes.



  1. I love the new name!! Can't wait to see the new blog 'look' :)

  2. Love the new name and the new look!!!


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