Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bringing Sexy Back!

Bringing Sexy Back! A fitness link up hosted by K from Down at Fraggle Rock and myself! Grab the button and join in!

Grab button for Bringing Sexy Back!

Bringing Sexy Back! is a fitness link up to help encourage one another with our fitness and health goals. By holding ourselves accountable and encouraging each other, we can be healthier and better versions of ourselves. 

So let's get down to the nitty gritty. I myself, like most of you have read, really want to lose some weight. I want to feel better about myself. And not only do I want to lose weight, but I want to make a lifestyle change. I want to make healthy choices all the time, not just some of the time. 

What I want to get out of this is support. I have found that the more support I have, the better I do. And I hope that I can be that support for you as well no matter what your goals may be. 

And now for my measurements.
Weight: 222.8 lbs
Waist-Natural: 36"
Waist-Belly Button: 42.5"
Bust: 43.5"
Arms-Left: 16"
Arms-Right: 16"
Thigh-Left: 29.5"
Thigh-Right: 29.5"

Right now, I really want to get below 200 lbs. I would like to be there by the end of May. I don't know if it is possible, but I am going to work my ass of and try to make it happen. And after I get down below 200 lbs, I will re-evaluate what my end goal is. 

I hope that all of you got a chance to post your measurements. I can't wait to read all of your posts and help support and encourage you along the way.

Don't forget to link up. And make sure to head on over to K's blog to see her Bringing Sexy Back! post! Have a great day everyone!



  1. You got this girl! You are totally going to kick some ass!

  2. Megan, I will go walk or do something tomorrow (3/30) before you head to DEN if you want :)


Comments are way rad and totally make my day. I love reading each and everyone one of them :)