Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Letters

I will admit it, I am a Friday Letter's virgin. Gasp! I know! It looks like so much fun though, that I have decided to join in. So here goes. And don't forget to link up over at Ashley's blog.

Dear Friday,
Thank you so much for getting here so quickly. It has been a really rough week at work and I am ready to not have to go there for a few days.

Dear Random Lady at Kohl's,
Thank you for helping me decide which luggage to get. And thanks for helping me go through all of the pro's and con's of the two sets that I was looking at. I think I made the right choice.

Dear luggage,
I made the right choice. I love how unique you are. I can't wait to actually pack you and take you on our trip.

Dear colder weather,
Thank you for finally showing up. And thank you for bringing the possibility of some snow. I am very excited to see the first snow of the year.

Dear weekend,
Please don't fly by. I would like to enjoy you.

Dear Fantasy Football teams,
Please, please, please don't self destruct again. I need a win this week.

Dear next Friday,
Please get here as quickly as possible. I am ready to be on my way to Florida for our Honeymoon. I can't wait.

Dear Fur Babies of mine,
Why do you have to be so damn cute? It makes it really hard to be mad at you when you have done something wrong.

Dear Adorable Nieces,
Please stop growing up so quickly. I don't like it. I like that you are little and that you still look up to me. I know that the more that you grow and get older, that may change. Although, I am the coolest Aunt you have so maybe not, haha!

Dear Best Friends,
I miss you guys more than ever right now. I so wish that you could be here. I hate that we are all so far away. We need to plan a trip soon or something so that I don't go out of my mind. Love you guys!

And that's all I've got for today. My weekend is going to be pretty busy again with all of the errands and packing that we have to do before we leave next Friday. Hopefully it won't go by too quickly. Speaking of us being gone, I still need three more people to guest post for me while we are gone. If you are at all interested, please let me know in the comments or email me. And please leave a way for me to contact you if you are set up as a no-reply person. Thanks everyone and I hope that you have a great weekend!


1 comment:

Comments are way rad and totally make my day. I love reading each and everyone one of them :)