Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday,
Glad you are here, but I know that we are busy this weekend, so it is kind of bittersweet. I just want to get some sleep.

Dear Weather Yesterday,
Seriously?! The one day we plan an outdoor BBQ for the employees and you decided to be freaking cold and rainy all day. Get your shiz together!
Dear Company,
You have no idea how proud I am to work for you. The fact that you took my suggestion to donate all of our old merchandise to the victims of the OK tornadoes is amazing! Even more amazing that everyone helped pitch in yesterday to the load the trailer up! I am so proud to work for a company that is willing to reach out to those in need. 
Dear OK Tornado Victims,
You guys are all in my thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine what you are going through right now, but please know that millions are thinking of all of you. 
Dear MaKenzi(my oldest Niece),
Congrats on Graduating from Kindergarten! I am so proud of you baby girl! You are growing up so fast and becoming such an amazing little girl! I love you so much sweetie and I am so sorry that I couldn't be there. 

Dear Kelsi(the middle Niece),
I can't believe you are going to be in Kindergarten next year. And I know that you say that you aren't excited about going to school(you really are your Father's child) I know that you will love it! I can't believe how big you are getting. I am so proud of you too and I know that you will love school! I love you so much big girl. 

Dear Rylei(the youngest Niece),
Little girl you are getting so big already. You are already walking at 8 1/2 months. You said your first word the other day. I just can't believe how much you have already grown. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for all of us!

Dear In-laws,
Congrats on your 40th Wedding Anniversary!!!

Dear Service Men and Women,
Thank you so much for everything you do for our country. I appreciate everything you do and all the sacrifices you make for us! 

Okay, that's all I have today. I hope you guys all have a great Memorial Day Weekend! 



  1. That is so cool that your company donated everything! And it was your idea!! Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. That's so great that you donated all of that stuff! What an awesome idea!!!

  3. Found you at the link up and WOW, that's awesome about your company taking your suggestion and helping out the OK victims. AWESOME! So thankful for people like you out there who are thinking of those in need! :)

  4. You are awesome!!!!! A wonderful idea to donate. Your company sounds amazing. Whats up with all this rain? Its been raining since Tuesday, blah. Its cold, windy and just well gross. I want sun and warmth. We're headed to Louisiana for vacation next week and its supposed to be 90. Its going o be a big change!! Your niece is adorable too :)

  5. Sweet Letters!
    I too am glad that its Friday but sadly I too have a busy weekend so I know time will fly by sadly.. I hope you enjoy it :)


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