Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weigh-In Wednesday

Happy Weigh-In Wednesday!!

So I am totally awesome and completely spaced getting on the scale this morning. Oops! That's what happens when you are waking up at 3:45 am to get to the gym so you can get your workout in before work. Probably a good thing though. I kind of fell off the good eating wagon this past weekend. It wasn't pretty. And I am sure the scale will flat out tell me it wasn't pretty. Probably why I need to actually get on it. Ugh! It's a double edged sword I tell ya! 

Other than eating like crap this past weekend, things are going pretty well. I am keeping up with my workouts and have actually thrown a couple of two-a-days in there as well. Tuesday was one of those, but I was okay with that. I wasn't able to lift on Monday night like I normally do for two reasons. 1) My back was still super sore from my training session on Saturday, so I figured lifting probably wasn't the best idea. 2) I ended up having to sub for my Zumba instructor. That's right! I got to teach my first official class as a certified Zumba instructor!!!! And it went really well! Everybody seemed like they had fun and we got a great workout in. Couldn't ask for anything else! 

Something else that is exciting is that I signed myself and my friend up for the Spartan Sprint race that is here in May!!! I can not wait. It's the first of three Spartan races that we are doing this summer and I just wish May would get here already. I am ready to run and crawl through the mud. An oh yeah, do some burpees. If you have run a Spartan Race, you know there will be burpees. And lots of them! BRING. IT. ON!

I am going to set a few goals for myself for the next week. I am hoping that writing them down and putting them out there will help me to hold myself a little bit more accountable. So here goes. 

-Stay on track with eating for the next week. Stay under on calories and just make better decisions all around.
-Drink lots of water! I have been doing better with this, but it could be better! 
-Keep up with my interval running. I tend to get lazy and decide that I can just walk on the treadmill instead of running. 

Kind of a short and sweet Weigh-In Wednesday. I will try to remember to get on the scale next week. And I will be reporting back about how I did with my weekly goals. 

Do you have any specific goals your are wanting to accomplish this week?


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