Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Goes On During Halloween At My Work

Every year at work our activities committee puts together a list of activities for the employees to participate in for Halloween. There is usually a Pumpkin Carving Contest, a potluck for lunch, a costume parade and a department decorating contest. Well this year they added a Mummy wrapping contest. Yep, this is what I did at work on Halloween

My team. Our lovely Mummy Tina and me wrapping her

Our almost finished Mummy

Val and her creepy mask

And, the winners of the office Mummy wrapping contest...

Aimee, Tina(the Mummy) and Myself

Runner ups Pelka and C. Horto

Costume Parade~Val again

Nate and Crystal~A pair of boobs

My nieces came up for our office trick or treating

My nieces saying hi to Aran and getting some candy

My nieces checking out their haul afterwards

That is what Halloween is like at my work. I love it, and I can't wait for next year! I hope that everyone had a great Halloween!


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Comments are way rad and totally make my day. I love reading each and everyone one of them :)