Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Have Found a New Love

I have found a new love in life. And yes, my Husband knows about it and is definitely on board with this new love. This new love is Zumba!!


I took my first Zumba class last night at our new gym and I have absolutely fallen in love. It was such a blast. My legs wouldn't agree with that statement this morning, but I had so much fun! I love dancing, and so anything that combines something fun and awesome like dancing, with something not so fun and not so awesome like working out, is freaking genius in my book.

I was having so much fun that I didn't even realize how much of a work out I was really getting. And, I want to go back to Thursdays class! Actually I can't wait. That is saying a lot because usually I am not this motivated to go to the gym. Ever. I hate the gym, haha!

I am so excited that I found something fun that incorporates me working out. This whole working out thing definitely needs to continue. Fingers crossed on that one!

Have any of you tried Zumba? Do you love it? Are you wanting to try it?



  1. I've been wanting to try zumba for sooo long! can't find any classes near me though...or maybe that's just my excuse...

  2. I love Zumba too! Isn't it so fun? Any workout that makes me forget I'm working out is the best!!


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