Thursday, November 15, 2012

Honeymoon Day 7

So our last day at Universal arrived and we were both excited and sad at the same time. We knew that we only had one more real day of our vacation, so we wanted to make sure that it was a great day. Before we left for Universal that morning, we sat down and looked at the map and decided on everything that we wanted to do. We wanted to have a game plan so that we could fit as much as possible into our day. Once we had all of that figured out, we were out the door and on our way. 

We had decided that The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was too good not to go to again. So that was our first stop! We went and did The Forbidden Journey ride through Hogwarts again! Still hands down the best part of our trip and the best ride we went on. After that, Aran wanted to go on The Dueling Dragons Roller Coaster. I opted to sit that one out, so instead I went into Hog's Head Pub and got another delicious Butter Beer!!! Yummmm! After Aran was done we walked around all of the shops again and decided to purchase a Chocolate Frog along with a few other things. 

After we were done there we headed over to Seuss Landing. I love Dr. Seuss so I loved looking around at everything here. All the buildings and rides seriously looked like they had cut them straight out of one of his books! It was really cool to see. And I loved that they had all kinds of Thing 1 and Thing 2 merchandise. Heck, I think they even went up to Thing 6 in one shop that we saw. That will definitely be something that we purchase when we have kids and bring them back, haha! 

After Seuss landing, we decided to head back over to Universal Studios. We started off by just walking around and taking all of the buildings and characters in. I even got to meet Lucy and Marilyn Monroe!

After walking around for a while, we decided to go on some of the rides. Our first stop was the E.T. ride. It was a fun ride. They have you traveling on a bike like they did in the movie. It was definitely cool to see what E.T's home planet looked like. After E.T. we headed on over to the Simpson's ride. This was another simulation ride. This was probably one of my favorites too. It was really cool and definitely one I think everyone should go on. 

After the Simpsons ride, we  headed on over to go do the Men In Black Ride. Unfortunately we didn't want to wait in line for 45 minutes, so we decided to skip it. Instead we decided to go to Mel's Drive-In for lunch. I loved the cars sitting outside of the restaurant, especially the pink one! And the food was delicious! It was probably the best burger I had on our trip. On a side note, for anyone who is wondering, Disney World's quick service food sucks compared to what Universal offers for their quick service food. Just saying!

After lunch we knew that we still had one more ride that we wanted to do and an attraction. So we made our way over to Disaster! We had to wait a while for this one, which was okay because we were still trying to let our food settle. This ride was a lot of fun. The whole premise of the ride is that you are cast as an extra for an action scene that they are shooting for a movie. In this case, we were the people on a Subway that were screaming our heads off when an earthquake hit and the roads above the subway started collapsing. It was awesome! After Disaster!, we headed over to the Twister experience. In this one, they put you in the little town and you watch the twister come through and get hit by the wind and all the rain. It was a really cool thing to experience. I definitely recommend both of these attractions!

After the Twister experience we did some more walking around just to take everything in and then finished up our shopping. And then we called it a day. We had done everything (minus the M.I.B ride) that we wanted to do. So we said our goodbyes to Universal and then headed back to the Villa. 

We were super bummed that we were leaving. I think I was more bummed that we were leaving Harry Potter behind and that delicious Butter Beer! But I think we were also bummed because we knew our trip was coming to a close. In just 24 short hours, we would be heading back to CO where it wouldn't be as warm and we would have to go back to work.

I absolutely loved Universal and I am already looking forward to going back in the future. Especially since I got an email from them saying that a Transformers ride will be opening up next year!! Yes please! We had such a great two days there and so many great memories to take home with us. Not to mention so much Harry Potter merchandise. Who has two thumbs and now owns a pair of Gryffindor pajama pants? This girl! Don't be jealous now!



  1. I had to look up this "Butterbeer" that you speak of. Umm... there's no alcohol in it? How deceiving! Haha. Although I did find a bunch of recipes online. Maybe you could make it. Although I don't know why anyone would want to drink something non-alcoholic :)

  2. I saw Butter Beer at our grocery store last week and had no idea what that was, maybe you can get it outside of Harry Potter land? I am so glad you guys had such a fun time :)


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