Friday, April 15, 2011

Fill In The Blank Friday

It is time for Fill In the Blank Friday over at the little things we do. If you want to join in, you can do so here.

Fill In The Blank Friday

  1. My favorite daily responsibility is feeding my cats, because they always love me when I am about to get them food, haha!

  1. My least favorite daily responsibility is doing the dishes, I hate doing the dishes.

  1. My favorite cuisine to eat when going out depends on the mood I am in, but I love burgers and I LOVE chicken wings.

  1. My favorite cuisine to prepare at home is stuffed green peppers. They are so yummy!

  1. Andy Warhol said that everyone is famous for 15 minutes. My claim to fame is when I was on the news in Middle School. They were doing a piece about how we were outgrowing our school.

  1. If I could have 3 wishes I would wish for my dream job as a tax accountant, a new car, and a lifetime of happiness with Aran.

  1. My biggest pet peeve is hard to decide on. I hate when people talk to me like I am a baby. I’m 23 years old people, talk to me like I am an adult please!

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