Friday, August 16, 2013

Dr. Seuss Onesie Cake

I was going to post about this yesterday, but seeing how USPS sucks and Lou didn't receive her gift until last night, I didn't want to post about it and spill the beans. But now that she has it in hand, I can finally share with all of you, the onesie cake that I made for her. 

Typically for Baby Showers, I like to make diaper cakes, but since Lou was going with cloth diapers for all of their diapering needs, I had to come up with something else. So after racking my brain, I decided to use onesies, bibs, washcloths and any other type of clothing or necessary baby products that would roll up to make a Dr. Seuss themed cake. 

Once I found everything that I wanted for that part of the cake, I had to come up with a way to assemble it so that it would make it in one piece on the trip to Hawaii. So I did what I usually do when I am in this situation, I went to Hobby Lobby. I wandered around for a little bit and then found these paper mache/cardboard boxes. They look like hat boxes essentially, but they were the right shape and they had varying sizes.

Once I had those picked out, I had to decide how I wanted to decorate them. I could have gone full blown Dr. Seuss or I could decorate them so that they would match the nursery decor (Wonder Woman Theme) that they had picked out. So I decided to make them multi-functional and decorate the outside of the boxes to match the nursery decor. So then I picked out some patriotic looking scrapbook paper, grabbed some Mod Podge , some paint brushes and some sparkly gold tulle and headed home. 

First I covered the bottom of the boxes with the paper using the Mod Podge and a paint brush. And then I covered the lids of the boxes with the sparkly gold tulle and topped it with a sparkly star. 

After I had this done, I started assembling the cake. I took the lids from the boxes and used those as the base of each tier of the cake. I arranged all the onesies, bibs, leggings, wash cloths and anything else I could find that would be useful and started assembling each tier until I had it full enough that it looked like an actual cake tier. 

Once I had the tiers assembled, it was time to start decorating. I found all kinds of Dr. Seuss cutouts and borders in the $1 section at Target, so I started with those and put a border on each tier. I also used some of the cutouts that I found and placed them on little skewer sticks. And then to add just a little bit more, I tied ribbon around each tier. A few months back, I found these adorable Truffula Tree Ribbons from a couple of sellers on Etsy, so I had to tie them in somehow. 

This cake turned out better than I had anticipated. I was so excited and proud of how it all turned out. And I knew that Lou would not only love it, but find its contents very useful. And not to mention the dual functionality of the boxes that I sent along with it. It all came together so well. And I was so excited to hear last night that Lou loved it as much as I thought she would. It definitely made all of the work I put into it more than worth it. 



  1. So glad that she finally got everything!

  2. That cake is so fun! I love the dr Seuss theme! Your friend is so lucky to have a such a creative friend like you!

  3. You are so clever! Love it!


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