Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Invitations? What In The World Should We Get?

This weekend we are meeting with the guy that is going to do our invites. He is giving us a book of all of the invites that he can do and we get to look over it for a few weeks while he is out of town. Hopefully this will be enough time for us to make a decision. I have a feeling that our invites are going to be one of our toughest decisions.

I have been looking at website after website after website and nothing just jumps of the screen and says "HEY!!! PICK ME!!!!!!" It probably doesn't help that I have no idea what I even want. I will see something that I kind of like but they won't have it in our colors or I can't stand the font that it is in. Or I feel that it is way too expensive(I'm kind of a frugal person.) It is always something. Is there something wrong with me? I mean, am I just being that picky?

I want our invites to be memorable/elegant/classy/fun all at the same time. Is that possible? I am not a huge fan of the super traditional ones simply because I think they are boring. Now, that is just my opinion of the ones that I have seen. Maybe one will come along that is more traditional that I will love. You never know.

I know of one thing that I really want, but it will really depend on how much it cost. I love the pocket envelopes that have multiple pockets for the invite, the rsvp card, directions, etc. I think they are pretty rad actually! Yes, I just used the word rad, haha! I know they can get pretty pricey though. So that is definitely going to be a big deciding factor on whether or not we can get them.

Found Via Google Image Search

Found via Google Image Search

The other daunting task that I am not looking forward to is trying to figure out what the invites should say. I have never done this before so how should I know? I know it probably won't be as difficult as I think, especially since Aran's Mom will be able to help us with this. Hopefully we can decide on an invite together that we both like. I hope this process does not prove to be as difficult as I am expecting it to be.

How long did it take you to decide on an invite? Did you find the process stressful? Did you have a hard time figuring out what the invite should say? Did you have a pocket fold?


  1. Not to stress you out or anything...but picking invitations what the WORST, least fun, most stressful part of planning my entire wedding. And I hear that a was stressful for many of the same reasons you listed above. I really hope your meeting goes well, and I'm sure it will. Trust me, when they're all done and ordered and MAILED it's the BEST feeling in the world and it makes all those stressful times worth it!

  2. Yep I am dreading invites the most. I have not really even thought about this task and its something I SHOULD totally be doing soon!

  3. I love both sample pictures.. wedding planning can be stressful and I think you are doing great! I didnt even pick my invitations and just had someone choose for me baha I should have done what I wanted but they were still great and it took some stress away. Hope you are having a great weekend and enjoying the more planning you have planned


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